Recover a Vault Cluster When Raft Quorum is Lost
- A Vault cluster that has lost quorum
1. Scale the Cluster Down to One Node
On the machine charm, this means removing all but one unit. Ideally, keep the unit that is the leader, but otherwise choose any healthy unit that is in the blocked “Waiting for vault to finish raft leader elecetion” state.
juju remove-unit vault/1 vault/2 vault/3 vault/4
You may need to use a combination of --force
and --no-wait
to remove units if they are in a bad state.
On the Kubernetes charm, you can scale the deployment down using the scale-applicaiton command.
juju scale-application vault-k8s 1
2. Run the bootstrap-raft
Next, run the bootstrap-raft
action on the remaining unit. This will re-bootstrap the cluster with a single node.
juju run vault/leader bootstrap-raft
This should update the status of the unit to “Please unseal Vault”.
3. Unseal Vault
If necessary, follow the instructions on how to unseal Vault in the Unseal a sealed unit guide.
4. Scale the Cluster Back Up
Once the single unit is unsealed, you can scale the cluster back up to the desired number of units (and unseal if necessary)
On the Machine charm:
juju add-unit vault -n 4
Or, on the Kubernetes charm:
juju scale-application vault-k8s 5