How to migrate from charm tool to charmcraft

Previously I used to run charm tool to publish and release charms like this:

charm push mycharm cs:~myorg/mycharm
charm release cs:~myorg/mycharm-0
charm grant "~myorg/mycharm" --channel stable --acl read --set everyone
charm set "~myorg/mycharm" bugs-url="url1" homepage="url2"

How I can do the same with charmcraft?

Thank you.

cd <root_dir_of_your_charm>
charmcraft pack
charmcraft upload <path_to_file.charm>
charmcraft release <name> --revision=123 --channel=stable

I am unsure if you need to set bugs url or homepage anymore… via the CLI

Hope that helps, it’s how i get things up into the store… I put stable in the example like yours… but I generally start off in the beta

Thanks for answer. But it’s not that I need.

I need to register new charm with my org ownership instead of me. I would want to not rework the charm and put exactly that I have already.

I found doc about namespaces Charmhub Namespacing - doc - Charmhub about transition Charmhub Transition FAQ - doc - Charmhub

looks like only post to support works…

Hi Andrey, let me see if I can help:

I need to register new charm with my org ownership instead of me.

You can request a change in ownership of a charm creating a topic here.

I would want to not rework the charm and put exactly that I have already.

Charms that were previously in the charm store were automatically transferred to Charmhub

Is that what you are trying to do?

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ah… as @pedroleaoc mentions then you may already have the charm up in the CharmHub… and need to transfer…

if not, and you want to publish from scratch… I think this will help Juju | How to publish your charm to Charmhub

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