How to manage nginx configuration through juju

Hello, we have the following stuff deployed using juju:

$ juju status
Model    Controller      Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
default  bob-controller  localhost/localhost  2.9.32   unsupported  13:01:08Z

App                    Version   Status  Scale  Charm                  Channel   Rev  Exposed  Message
containerd             go1.13.8  active      5  containerd             stable    178  no       Container runtime available
easyrsa                3.0.1     active      1  easyrsa                stable    420  no       Certificate Authority connected.
etcd                   3.4.5     active      3  etcd                   stable    634  no       Healthy with 3 known peers
flannel                0.11.0    active      5  flannel                stable    597  no       Flannel subnet
kubeapi-load-balancer  1.18.0    active      1  kubeapi-load-balancer  stable    844  yes      Loadbalancer ready.
kubernetes-master      1.22.15   active      2  kubernetes-master      stable   1078  no       Kubernetes master running.
kubernetes-worker      1.22.15   active      3  kubernetes-worker      stable    816  yes      Kubernetes worker running.

The kubeapi-load-balancer is using nginx behind the scene. I have changed its configuration but after reboot it got lost.

How do I keep the changes persistent across juju-managed components reboots ?