how-to: Integrate Vault with COS

Integrate with COS

In this guide, we will cover how-to integrate Vault with Canonical Observability Stack (COS) for metrics and logs.


  • Juju >= 3.4

1. Deploy COS Lite

Create a Kubernetes model for observability:

juju add-model cos

Deploy cos lite and wait for all applications to be in active status:

juju deploy cos-lite --trust

Create offers for integrating with COS:

juju offer cos.prometheus:receive-remote-write
juju offer cos.loki:logging

2. Integrate with COS

Switch to the machine model in which Vault is deployed:

juju switch <vault model>

Deploy Grafana Agent:

juju deploy grafana-agent

Integrate Vault with Grafana Agent:

juju integrate vault:cos-agent grafana-agent:cos-agent

Consume the COS offers:

juju consume <k8s controller>:admin/cos.prometheus
juju consume <k8s controller>:admin/cos.loki

Integrate Grafana Agent with COS:

juju integrate prometheus:receive-remote-write grafana-agent:send-remote-write
juju integrate loki:logging grafana-agent:logging-consumer

3. Access Vault metrics and logs

Switch to the cos model:

juju switch cos

Retrieve the Grafana admin password:

juju run grafana/leader get-admin-password

Log in Grafana, and access metrics and logs.