How-to: Connect to Kafka using Google as OIDC provider

In this article, we show how Kafka clients (producers and consumers) can authenticate with Kafka using OAuth and Google as an OIDC provider.

Juju environment

The instructions provided in this article are based on the following components and versions:

  • Juju controller: 3.4.2
  • MicroK8s: v1.25.1
  • Terraform: v1.7.2 (Juju provider: v0.10.1)

Charm environment (ecosystem)

The following figure shows the K8S charms required for this guide, their relations, and the client processes.

Kafka OAuth - Google

This ecosystem is composed of the identity charms (green), event-bus charms (blue), certificate charm (yellow), and the clients which are simple python scripts running on the host machine.

Setting up the environment

In order to bring up this ecosystem we are going to use this repository:

This repository contains various examples of usage of the event-bus, including an OAuth client example:

git clone 
cd eventbus-client-samples && make setup

In the oauth folder we locate the terrafrom plans and apply it.

# before running the terraform plan, let's create a model
juju add-model kafka-oauth
cd oauth/terraform/environments/k8s/google
terraform init
terraform apply

Creating a Google service account

Our Kafka client requires a Google service account in order to be able to create an identity token (used to authenticate with Kafka). In order to create one, please follow the instructions provided in the GCP documentation. Once the account is created, we need to create a pair of public/private keys associated to this account. To do so:

  1. Double click on the newly created service account and go on the keys tab
  2. Click “Add Key” and select “Create new key” (leave JSON as default type)
  3. Click create

This will download the keys (JSON file) locally. Please copy this file to the auth folder, and rename it to service_account.json. Let’s assume the email of this service account is: (used in the ACLs below).

Configuring permissions (ACLs)

In order for our client to be able to produce and consume a topic, we need to set up some permissions. This is done using the Event-bus Governor. This charm allows to specify topics and ACLs as configuration, and synchronizes them with Kafka. For the ACLs we can use the email of the service account as the identifier of the user (principal), and we can specify them in the policies file in oauth/terraform/environments/k8s/google/config/policies.yaml, which looks as follows:

    - name: test
      partitions: 1
      replication: 1
        - principal:
          operations: [read, write, describe]
    - name: test-group
        - principal:
          operations: [read]

These ACLs can be applied by running:

juju config governor policies=@oauth/terraform/environments/k8s/google/config/policies.yaml

Configuring the client

At this point, we have configured the service account and the permissions. An additional requirement for the client is to acces the CA certificate (used to sign Kafka certificates), since we are using self-signed ones. We retrieve this using the following action:

juju run tls-operator/0 get-ca-certificate --format yaml --quiet | yq eval '."tls-operator/0".results."ca-certificate"' > auth/ca.crt
# the client is configured to read the CA from the auth/ca.crt file

Additionally, we need configure the DNS so that our client reaches Kafka using its advertised domain name. Since this domain name is internal to K8S and our client is running on the Host, we can do this by adding a mapping between the pod IP and the advertised domain name in the /etc/hosts file. In order to get the IP we run:

# to get Kafka IP 
juju show-unit kafka/0 | yq eval '."kafka/0".address'
# exmple:

Using this IP, we can add the following entry in our /etc/hosts: kafka-0.kafka-endpoints

Finally, in the .env file in the oauth folder, we just need to specify that our OIDC provider is Google, and verify the rest of the parameters:


Now we are ready.

Running the client

On two different terminals, from the base directory eventbus-client-samples, run:

# terminal 1
venv/bin/python oauth/ --producer
# Write something: hello 
# Write something: world

# terminal 2
venv/bin/python oauth/ --consumer
# Got: hello
# Got: world

If everything is configured correctly, the text sent in the producer terminal appears in the consumer one.

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