How to add a windows machine to juju - development and testing windows units

How to add a windows machine to juju - development and testing windows units

Using an OpenStack cloud

These instructions have been confirmed with trial and error. They are focused on juju 2.9+ due to agent tarball naming and how the simplestreams are created.

Get a Windows Image and add to your OpenStack project.

You need a windows image with cloud init capabilities. I used the Windows 2012 R2 evaluation image from CloudBase. Download KVM version here.

  1. Source your novarc file.

  2. Add the windows image to your OpenStack project:

    gunzip -cd windows_server_2012_r2_standard_eval_kvm_20170321.qcow2.gz | openstack image create --project $OS_PROJECT_ID  --property hypervisor_type=QEMU --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --property os_type=windows windows2012r2
  3. Save the ID of the image created.

If the OpenStack is using ceph the above method can produce an image which is slow for juju to use, requiring a couple of attempts within juju retries to create the machine. Alternative it’s been suggested to try:

 qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw windows_image.qcow2 windows_image.raw

 openstack image create --project $OS_PROJECT_ID  --property hypervisor_type=QEMU --container-format bare --disk-format raw --property os_type=windows --file ./windows_image.raw windows2012r2

Prepare juju agent tarballs, during development.

  1. Create a folder for the metadata command to find the agent tar balls

    mkdir ~/simplestreams/tools/released.
  2. Compile juju for ubuntu and again for windows

    make install
    GOOS=windows make install
  3. cd to your bin dir and create tar balls, replace with 2.9.2 or whatever version you’ve compiled. To ensure that the correct binaries are used, I’ve edited version/version.go to change the juju version to a number not in the streams.

    cd bin
    tar cvzf ~/simplestreams/tools/released/juju-<juju-version>-ubuntu-amd64.tgz containeragent  juju  jujuc  jujud  juju-metadata  juju-wait-for  pebble
    cd windows_amd64
    tar cvzf ~/simplestreams/tools/released/juju-<juju-version>-amd64.tgz *.exe
  4. Create the metadata, for juju 2.9+

    juju metadata generate-agents -d $HOME/simplestreams --clean --prevent-fallback

Bootstrap juju

  juju bootstrap --metadata-source $HOME/simplestreams <openstack-cloud> 

Add a windows machine

  1. Sync the agents, so the controller can find the windows agent you built.

    juju sync-agent-binaries --source $HOME/simplestreams/tools
  2. Tell juju which image is the windows one.

    juju metadata add-image --series win2012r2 <saved-image-id> 
  3. Add the machine

    juju add-machine --series win2012r2

If you’re using a released version of juju, you may still need to run juju sync-agent-binaries by itself to pull down the windows binary from the streams.

Unconfirmed workflows

Using a vSphere cloud

Install a Windows VM manually in the vSphere. Install KVM tools and cloudinit. Create a template of the VM. Then provide the template for use by juju. New functionality in juju 2.9.0

Using a MAAS cloud

MAAS image builder is available to create a Windows image that juju can use. It’ll need KVM tools and cloudinit, maybe different drivers as well.

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