I have been developing and iterating over a k8s charm and its container (a resource).
The charm was published on charmhub along with the resources.
During development, I was releasing a new revision of my charm along with the resource (associating the charm release with the new revision).
At the time of deploying the new charm, I noticed quite often that the new (and associated) resource was not pulled. Instead, the charm was installing and running with a previously installed (and incompatible) resource.
I noticed that by installing my charm from charmhub, but also when installing from a local charm (with the resource from a registry).
This is causing huge instability in my deployments, and I was wondering if this is an expected behaviour or if there is a way to enforce the charm to install and pull the associated resource.
did you double-check that the resource has been indeed correctly uploaded?
What does charmcraft status your-charm say? Is the correct resource revision associated with the correct charm revision?
As far as I know the only way you can ‘enforce’ that a given resource is deployed with your charm is do juju deploy ... --resource foo=./your-resource-file.yaml
but you can’t, say, pass a --resource-revision-tag=r42
Yes I double-checked that the resource was correctly uploaded and associated to the charm (in fact I had two VMs, one freshly deployed with the correct version and one old that had a previous version of the charm installed, and the resource was not getting updated when updating the charm).
The juju status command is returning that the status is active, workload active, agent idle and is returning the correct version of the charm revision.
Additionally, the kubectl describe pod my-unit was showing the old container sha256.
Enforcing the specific overlay in the bundle or the overlay works, but then it means updating the bundle manually every time.
Is it normal that juju can pull a new charm without pulling the new associated resource?
So I started to play again with Juju and while working on a new resource (a docker container) I realized that it’s still mostly not pulling the latest even if the previous application deployment was done with the --force. I am not sure if there is a way to manually update that or even remove the previous image.