Hook command 'secret-add'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.


Add a new secret.


secret-add [options] [key[#base64|#file]=value...]


Flag Default Usage
--description the secret description
--expire either a duration or time when the secret should expire
--file a YAML file containing secret key values
--label a label used to identify the secret in hooks
--owner application the owner of the secret, either the application or unit
--rotate the secret rotation policy


Add a secret with a list of key values.

If a key has the ‘#base64’ suffix, the value is already in base64 format and no encoding will be performed, otherwise the value will be base64 encoded prior to being stored.

If a key has the ‘#file’ suffix, the value is read from the corresponding file.

By default, a secret is owned by the application, meaning only the unit leader can manage it. Use “–owner unit” to create a secret owned by the specific unit which created it.


secret-add token=34ae35facd4
secret-add key#base64=AA==
secret-add key#file=/path/to/file another-key=s3cret
secret-add --owner unit token=s3cret 
secret-add --rotate monthly token=s3cret 
secret-add --expire 24h token=s3cret 
secret-add --expire 2025-01-01T06:06:06 token=s3cret 
secret-add --label db-password \
    --description "my database password" \
secret-add --label db-password \
    --description "my database password" \