hardware-observer docs howto - monitor hw raid controllers

Monitor hardware RAID controllers

The command-line utilities managing the RAID controllers need to be manually downloaded and then uploaded to the charm via the juju attach-resource command (except for SSACLI which is automatically downloaded).

You can use the command-line utilities provided by the resource as mentioned in the Resources page.

For example, to add the “perccli-deb” resource to the charm:

  1. Go to the Resources page, and find the name of the tool along with the URL where it can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s site.

  2. Download the binary tool in x86_64 linux architecture.

  3. (Optional) Unzip and extract the content from the file obtained in the previous step.

  4. Attach the resource to the charm with

    juju attach-resource hardware-observer perccli-deb=<path-to-resource>

Other resources can be added similarly.