hardware-observer docs howto - migrate from hw-health

Migrate from hw-health

The hw-health charm utilized the older (and deprecated) LMA(Logging, Monitoring and Aggregation) stack for monitoring and alerting.

To migrate the hw-health deployment to Hardware Observer, follow the these steps:

  1. If you want to have the option to restore your current deployment later, back up your current deployment bundle:

    juju export-bundle --filename old_model.yaml
  2. Remove the existing hw-health charm to avoid any potential incompatibility between the hw-health charm and Hardware Observer charm.

    juju remove-application hw-health
  3. Deploy the hardware-observer application, and relate it to the same principal charms hw-health used to be related to. If you’re not sure which are the correct principal applications, refer to the bundle exported in step 1.

    juju deploy hardware-observer
    juju relate hardware-observer <principal-charm>
  4. Follow the instructions on Integrate with COS page for instructions about how to propagate the metrics and alerts to the new monitoring system.

  5. If you no longer need the legacy LMA stack components, remove them.

If you want to read more about migrating from an LMA based workload to COS-Lite, check the Migrating from LMA to COS-Lite guide.