GPU Operator - Charmed Kubernetes

I have the following:

juju-dfe073-0 Ready control-plane 7h27m v1.28.11 Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS 6.5.0-1017-aws containerd://1.7.12

juju-dfe073-1 Ready 7h27m v1.28.11 Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS 6.5.0-1017-aws containerd://1.7.12

While installing GPU Charmed Operator - I got the folloiwng error

juju deploy nvidia-gpu-operator --channel 1.29/stable --trust

ERROR Charm feature requirements cannot be met:

  • charm requires feature “k8s-api” but model does not support it

Any advice here ?

Hi @kirzon, thanks for your question!

The issue you’re facing is that the nvidia-gpu-operator charm is meant to be deployed on a kubernetes cloud. It looks like you are attempting to deploy it to a machine cloud (aws, maas, openstack, etc).

The good news is that since you’ve deployed charmed kubernetes, you have everything you need to create a k8s cloud/model for use with juju. You can find our charmed kubernetes + gpu deployment guide with those details here:

Specifically see the “Deploying the GPU Operator” section for adding a k8s cloud/model atop charmed kubernetes.

We can do a better job with the error message you encountered, so I opened the following juju bug to try and clarify that:

Thanks again for the question, and let us know if you run into any more issues.

Thanks for your help ! I took another approach ( it worked ) - hope i did not violate the Juju echo-system:)

I installed using kubernetes core - then i just installed using the GPU Helm operator from NVIDIA. It worked - all was successful . Guess i need to learn more about the cloud models.

My main goal is more around the bare-metal deployments . If there is a reference architecture of charmed in production grade - can be great. And Air-Gapped can be a nice bonus .

Thanks allot for your help !