Token scopes
Fine grained access token scopes
Note: In addition to having a token with the necessary permissions, the user who owns the token also must have admin access to the organisation or repository.
Organizational Runners
The following are the permissions scopes required for the GitHub runners when registering as an organisational runner.
- Self-hosted runners: read & write
- Actions: read (required if COS integration is enabled and private repositories exist)
- Administration: read
Repository Runners
The following are the permissions scopes required for the GitHub runners when registering as an repository runner.
- Actions: read (required if COS integration is enabled and the repository is private)
- Administration: read & write
- Metadata: read
Personal access token scopes
Organizational Runners
To use this charm for GitHub organisations, the following scopes should be selected:
Repository Runners
To use this charm for GitHub repositories, the following scopes should be selected: