github-runner docs: How to deploy on ARM64

How to deploy on ARM64

The charm supports deployment on ARM64 machines. However, it should be noted that the ARM64 deployment currently only supports ARM64 bare-metal machines due to the limitations of nested virtualization on ARM64.

The following uses AWS’s m7g.metal instance to deploy the GitHub Runner on ARM64 architecture.


  1. Juju with ARM64 bare metal instance availability.
    • On AWS: juju bootstrap aws <desired-controller-name>
  2. GitHub Personal Access Token
  3. Repository to register the GitHub runners.

Deployment steps

Run the following command:

juju deploy github-runner \
    --constraints="instance-type=a1.metal arch=arm64" \
    --config token=<PERSONAL-ACCESS-TOKEN> --config path=<OWNER/REPO>

The units may take several minutes to settle. Furthermore, due to charm restart (kernel update), the Unit may become lost for a few minutes. This is an expected behavior and the unit should automatically re-register itself onto the Juju controller after a successful reboot.

Goto the repository > Settings (tab) > Actions (left menu dropdown) > Runners and verify that the runner has successfully registered and is online.