COS Integration
Runner and Charm Insights
Upon COS integration, this charm initiates the transmission of various metrics—refer to the relevant specification for comprehensive details—regarding the runner instances and the charm itself.
There are two dashboards. One for fine-granular metrics, called “GitHub Self-Hosted Runner Metrics”, and one for long-term metrics, called “GitHub Self-Hosted Runner Metrics (Long-Term)”.
The “GitHub Self-Hosted Runner Metrics” metrics dashboard presents the following rows:
- General: Displays general metrics about the charm and runners, such as:
- Lifecycle counters: Tracks the frequency of Runner initialisation, start, stop, and crash events.
- Available runners: A horizontal bar graph showing the number of runners available (and max expected) during the last reconciliation event. Note: This data is updated after each reconciliation event and is not real-time.
- Runners after reconciliation: A time series graph showing the number of runners marked as active/idle, the number of expected runners, and the difference between expected and the former (unknown) during the last reconciliation event over time. Note: This data is updated after each reconciliation event and is not real-time.
- Duration observations: Each data point aggregates the last hour and shows the 50th, 90th, 95th percentile and maximum durations for:
- Runner installation
- Runner idle duration
- Charm reconciliation duration
- Job queue duration - how long a job waits in the queue before a runner picks it up
- Max job queue duration by application: Similar to “Job queue duration” panel, but shows maximum durations by charm application.
- Average reconciliation interval: Shows the average time between reconciliation events, broken down by charm application.
- Jobs: Displays certain metrics about the jobs executed by the runners. These metrics can be displayed per repository by specifying a
regular expression on the
variable. The following metrics are displayed:- Proportion charts: Share of jobs by completion status, job conclusion, application, repo policy check failure http codes and github events over time.
- Job duration observation
- Number of jobs per repository
The “GitHub Self-Hosted Runner Metrics (Long-Term)” metrics dashboard displays the following rows:
- General: Contains the following panels:
- Total Jobs
- Runners created per application: Shows the number of runners created per charm application.
- Total unique repositories
- Timeseries chart displaying the number of jobs per day
- Percentage of jobs with low queue time (less than 60 seconds)
Both dashboards allow for filtering by charm application by specifying a regular expression on the Application
While the dashboard visualises a subset of potential metrics, these metrics are logged in a file named /var/log/github-runner-metrics.log
. Use following Loki query to retrieve lines from this file:
These log events contain valuable details such as charm application, GitHub events triggering workflows along with their respective repositories, and more. Customising metric visualisation is possible to suit specific needs.
Machine Host Metrics
The grafana-agent
autonomously transmits machine host metrics, which are visualised in the System Resources
The grafana-agent
effectively transmits all logs located at /var/log/**/*log
, from the charm unit to Loki. Additionally, it collects logs concerning crashed runners with accessible but unshut LXD virtual machines.
The charm contains a number of alerts that are sent to COS using the grafana-agent
Please refer to the COS documentation for more information on how to set up alerts.
Alerts are divided into two categories:
- Capacity Alerts: Alerts you when there is a shortage of a particular type of runner.
- Failure Alerts: Notification of runner crashes or repo policy related failures.