Gcp-k8s-storage docs - index


This charm manages installation of the out of tree csi driver from google kubernetes-sigs/gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver such that Charmed Kubernetes can use its storage features.


The charm requires gcp credentials and connection information, which should be provided by relating to the gcp-integrator charm.


The full process

juju deploy charmed-kubernetes
juju config kubernetes-control-plane allow-privileged=true
juju deploy gcp-integrator --trust
juju deploy gcp-k8s-storage

juju relate gcp-k8s-storage:certificates     easyrsa
juju relate gcp-k8s-storage:kube-control     kubernetes-control-plane
juju relate gcp-k8s-storage                  gcp-integrator:gcp
juju relate kubernetes-control-plane         gcp-integrator:gcp
juju relate kubernetes-worker                gcp-integrator:gcp

##  wait for the kubernetes-control-plane to be active/idle
kubectl describe nodes |egrep "Taints:|Name:|Provider"


  • Requires a charmed-kubernetes deployment on a gcp cloud launched by juju
  • Deploy the gcp-integrator charm into the model using --trust so juju provided gcp credentials
  • Deploy the gcp-k8s-storage charm in the model relating to the integrator
  • Once the model is active/idle, the charm will have successfully deployed the gcp persistent disk driver in the gce-pd-csi-driver namespace