Framework Team Updates - Week #8 2022

  • Worked on recursive push/pull spec. It’s basically done.
  • Worked on potential solutions to missing mocked behavior for storage/mounts in the test harness (I have a branch with one potential solution).
  • Fixed pebble get_services bug in the framework
  • Started a
  • Added tox pebble environment to facilitate real pebble testing for ops development.
  • triaged several issues:
    • #671 - closed/done
    • #690 - closed/done
    • #506 - WONTFIX
    • #292 - WONTFIX (resolved by k8s sidecar pattern)
    • #646 - probably will close

@pengale @ppasotti @jnsgruk


Last week, I was primarily focused on writing a “Rolling Ops” lirbrary.

The library is meant to enable things like rolling restarts, where you want units in an application to do something one unit at a time.

A proposed solution to the problem lives here:

Comments and feedback welcome!