Flannel docs - index

Flannel is a virtual network that gives a subnet to each host for use with container runtimes.

This charm will deploy flannel as a background service, and configure CNI for use with flannel, on any principal charm that implements the kubernetes-cni interface.


The flannel charm is a subordinate. This charm will require a principal charm that implements the kubernetes-cni interface in order to properly deploy.

juju deploy flannel
juju deploy etcd
juju deploy kubernetes-control-plane
juju deploy kubernetes-worker
juju add-relation flannel etcd
juju add-relation flannel kubernetes-control-plane
juju add-relation flannel kubernetes-worker

Known Limitations

This subordinate does not support being co-located with other deployments of the flannel subordinate (to gain 2 vlans on a single application). If you require this support please file a bug.

This subordinate also leverages juju-resources, so it is currently only available on juju 2.0+ controllers.

Further information