Feedback : Deploy Private-cloud with MAAS 2.9.béta8 + Juju 2.9rc3 + Kubernetes 1.19.3 All on FOCAL 20.04.1

The deployment of my private cloud - with the rc version of Maas, Juju, Juju dasboard - from start to finish went well, all on Ubuntu Focal 20.04.1. It’s great. I still have to test the services on the caas kubernetes. I think these versions will soon move to stable. Good Job.


Thank you for the positive feedback! As devs, it’s easy for us to focus on the bugs, and it’s heartening to hear about it when things go well :slight_smile:


:+1: Always good to hear success stories. Thanks for taking the time to post.

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Bravo bel exemple d’implémenation

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