I deploy masakari follw 《 Instance high availability》, but output is :“ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot deploy application “masakari”: space not found”:
The commad is : juju deploy ./bundle.yaml --overlay masakari-overlay.yaml
I deployed masakari successful by comment them: #bindings: #public: public #admin: admin #internal: internal #shared-db: internal #amqp: internal
But, I don’t know that masakari can work without them?
Do I need creat space in MAAS first before deploy openstack-base’s bundle? If I creat space first do I need deploy bundle use:
Can you give me the list of spaces’s ip and Network topology map.
Now maas server use,
public use which ip subnet?
admin use which ip subnet?
internal use which ip subnet?
If you do not wish to use spaces and use only one network for your deployment, you do not need to specify bindings/spaces in your bundle, meaning, remove all of the bindings: section in the masakari application in your bundle.yaml. Masakari can work without space bindings if nothing is deployed using spaces.
If you do wish to use separate networks, then you’ll want to define the spaces in the subnet/spaces section of MAAS to define which subnet is “public”, which is “admin” and which is “internal”, and then update the spaces from MAAS into juju with juju reload-spaces and then also use the openstack-base-spaces-overlay.yaml. You can then see what spaces match with which subnets in juju using the juju spaces command.
You can use multiple overlays in the command just as you’ve noted. They will be applied, or overlaid, in the order they appear on the command line, so anything in the last overlay defined will “win” if overloading the same variable in bundle and any overlays.