ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot add charm "cs:mysql-router-3": cannot read entity archive: unexpected EOF

i deployed openstack again with:
juju deploy cs:bundle/openstack-base-70
and otput is

  • upload charm cs:mysql-router-3 for series focal
    ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot add charm “cs:mysql-router-3”: cannot read entity archive: unexpected EOF

why it is happened?

thank u.

ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot add charm “cs:mysql-router-3”: cannot read entity archive: unexpected EOF

It maybe an intermittent error on the store side and couldn’t download it correctly (hence the EOF). I checked to ensure that it does install for focal with the following commands:

juju deploy cs:mysql-router-3 --series=focal

This also might be a proxy issue, correct? Juju is attempting to get metadata or a file blob, and if it gets proxy landing page html instead, it can become confused.

Are there things that we can do internally to help make the error messages less ambiguous in this case? Passing the raw error when reading from the socket isn’t super classy – we can at least wrap it in “Error contacting the charm store” or something else that gives users who don’t know Juju internals a better shot at diagnosing things.

Thank u.

It maybe better if I can have more debug information.such as progress bar。

I deployed “juju deploy cs:mysql-router-3 --series=focal”,it also output “ERROR storing charm for URL “cs:mysql-router-3”: cannot read entity archive: unexpected EOF”.

it maybe because the source unreachable。

could I deploy it from other source?

I try to download it first to local maas machine:

 root@vivodo-3:~# charm pull mysql-router-3 --debug /root/charms/mysql-router
15:53:43 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 client do GET {
15:53:45 INFO  httpbakery logger.go:33 HTTP response OK (status 200 OK)
15:53:45 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 } -> error <nil>

That works correctly, although the output looks cryptic.

So the missing step is just to deploy it as a local charm.

charm pull mysql-router-3 # outputs to mysql-router
juju deploy ./mysql-router
root@vivodo-3:~# charm pull mysql-router-3 --debug /root/charms/mysql-router
15:53:43 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 client do GET {
15:53:45 INFO  httpbakery logger.go:33 HTTP response OK (status 200 OK)
15:53:45 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 } -> error <nil>

ERROR cannot read archive: unexpected EOF
16:29:35 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:475 error stack:
unexpected EOF cannot read archive

I can‘ t download it…

Other than ensuring you have egress to the charm store, you can do it manually by either downloading the charm on another computer and scp/rsync’ing the charm across to your MAAS machine or from mysql router | Juju

Thank u.
I download all by other provider’s network and unzip them.
they are "openstack-base-70,ceph-mon-49,ceph-osd-304,ceph-radosgw-290,cinder-304,cinder-ceph-257,mysql-router-3,glance-298,keystone-317,cs:mysql-innodb-cluster-1,cs:neutron-api-287,neutron-api-plugin-ovn-1,nova-cloud-controller-346,nova-compute-319,ntp-41,openstack-dashboard-305,ovn-central-1,ovn-chassis-3,placement-12,rabbitmq-server-104,vault-40

And filezilla them to maas server’s /root/openstack-base/

Then I modified bundle.yaml:

from" charm: cs:"
into “charm: /root/openstack-base”

then I “juju deploy ./root/openstack-base/openstack-base/bundle.yaml

It work…

juju status is :

why so many errors happened?
And what is “hook failed: “install””?
How can I deploy bundle off line.

Thank u again.

It finished.

I filezilla all zips to MAAS servr,and unzip them in maas server.
Then juju deploy ./root/openstack-base/openstack-base/bundle.yaml
IT work well

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Was this a Great Firewall issue, perhaps?