I’m running the following to bootstrap my Juju localhost Juju cloud controller and I’m getting an error:
ERROR unable to connect to API: x509: certificate is valid for, not juju-apiserver
export NO_PROXY=$(echo localhost 10.176.158.{1..255} | sed 's/ /,/g')
juju bootstrap --debug \
--model-default http-proxy=$HTTP_PROXY \
--model-default snap-http-proxy=$HTTP_PROXY \
--model-default https-proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY \
--model-default snap-https-proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY \
--model-default no-proxy="$NO_PROXY" \
--model-default cloudinit-gitignore.yml \
localhost lxd
I’ve used this same script before without issues on the same OS, Ubuntu Bionic. I don’t really know how to debug this.
Here is the output of juju --debug --show-log status
22:15:34 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:83 running juju [2.7.2 gc go1.10.4]
22:15:34 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:84 args: []string{"/snap/juju/10671/bin/juju", "--debug", "--show-log", "status"}
22:15:34 INFO juju.juju api.go:67 connecting to API addresses: []
22:15:34 INFO juju.juju api.go:67 connecting to API addresses: []
22:15:34 INFO juju.juju api.go:67 connecting to API addresses: []
22:15:34 INFO juju.juju api.go:67 connecting to API addresses: []
ERROR unable to connect to API: x509: certificate is valid for, not juju-apiserver
22:15:34 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:519 error stack:
x509: certificate is valid for, not juju-apiserver
/build/juju/parts/juju/go/src/github.com/juju/juju/api/apiclient.go:1071: unable to connect to API