Endpoint 'metrics-endpoint': List of metrics

This document gives the list of metrics exposed through the juju-controller charm’s metrics-endpoint endpoint along with their quick description.

  • go_gc_duration_seconds

A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.

See more: Source

  • go_goroutines

The number of goroutines that currently exist.

See more: Source

  • go_info

Information about the Go environment.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_alloc_bytes

Number of bytes allocated and still in use.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total

The total number of bytes allocated, even if freed.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes

The number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_frees_total

The total number of frees.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes

The number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes

The number of heap bytes allocated and still in use.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes

The number of heap bytes waiting to be used.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes

The number of heap bytes that are in use.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_heap_objects

The number of allocated objects.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_heap_released_bytes

The number of heap bytes released to OS.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_heap_sys_bytes

The number of heap bytes obtained from system.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_last_gc_time_seconds

The number of seconds since 1970 of last garbage collection.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_lookups_total

The total number of pointer lookups.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_mallocs_total

The total number of mallocs.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytes

The number of bytes in use by mcache structures.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_mcache_sys_bytes

The number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from system.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytes

The number of bytes in use by mspan structures.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes

The number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_next_gc_bytes

The number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_other_sys_bytes

The number of bytes used for other system allocations.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytes

The number of bytes in use by the stack allocator.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_stack_sys_bytes

The number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator.

See more: Source

  • go_memstats_sys_bytes

The number of bytes obtained from system.

See more: Source

  • go_threads

The number of OS threads created.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_active_login_attempts

The current number of active agent login attempts.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_build_info

The versions of various parts of the Juju Controller.

This metric is a little special in that there is one const metric with a value of 1 and the labels are the strings that describe the instance.

See more: Source, Guidance in Prometheus | Writing exporters > Target labels, not static scraped labels and Robust Perception | How to have labels for machine roles.

  • juju_apiserver_connections

The current number of active apiserver connections for api handlers.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_connections_total

The total number of apiserver connections ever made.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_log_read_count

The current number of log reads.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_log_write_count

The current number of log writes.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_outbound_request_duration_seconds

The latency of outbound API requests in seconds.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_outbound_request_errors_total

The total number of http request errors to outbound APIs.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_outbound_requests_total

The total number of http requests to outbound APIs.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_ping_failure_count

The current number of ping failures.

See more: Source

  • juju_apiserver_request_duration_seconds

The latency of Juju API requests in seconds.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_application_config_reads

The number of times the application config is read.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_application_hash_cache_hit

The number of times the application config change hash was determined using the cached value.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_application_hash_cache_miss

The number of times the application config change hash was generated.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_applications

The number of applications managed by the controller.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_charm_config_watcher_hash_hit

The number of times a change in master or branch config required no notification to config watcher(s).

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_charm_config_watcher_hash_miss

See more: [Source](The number of times a change in master or branch config required notification to config watcher(s).)

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_machines

The number of machines managed by the controller.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_model_config_reads

The number of times the model config is read.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_model_hash_cache_hit

The number of times the model config change hash was determined using the cached value.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_model_hash_cache_miss

The number of times the model config change hash was generated.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_models

The number of models in the controller.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_scrape_duration_seconds

The amount of time taken to collect state metrics.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_scrape_errors

The number of errors observed while collecting state metrics.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_units

The number of units managed by the controller.

See more: Source

  • juju_cache_users

The number of local users in the controller.

See more: Source

  • juju_db_duration_seconds

The total time spent in db requests.

See more: Source

  • juju_db_requests_total

The number of active db requests.

See more: Source

  • juju_db_txn_requests_total

The total number of txn requests including retries.

See more: Source

  • juju_dependency_engine_worker_start

The current number of worker starts in the dependency engine by worker.

See more: Source

  • juju_dependency_engine_worker_starts_for_model

The current number of worker starts in the dependency engine by model.

See more: Source

  • juju_logsender_capacity

The total number of log messages that can be enqueued before being dropped.

See more: Source

  • juju_logsender_dropped_total

The total number of log messages dropped.

See more: Source

  • juju_logsender_enqueued_total

The total number of log messages enqueued.

See more: Source

  • juju_logsender_sent_total

The total number of log messages sent.

See more: Source

  • juju_mgo_txn_durations

The time (ms) taken to complete a transaction.

See more: Source

  • juju_mgo_txn_ops_total

The total number of mgo/txn ops executed.

See more: Source

  • juju_mgo_txn_retries

The number of attempts to complete a transaction.

See more: Source

  • juju_mongo_dial_duration_seconds

The time taken dialing MongoDB server.

See more: Source

  • juju_mongo_dials_total

The total number of MongoDB server dials.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_append

The time to append a queue entry in ms.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_dupe

The count of duplicate watcher notifications already in queue.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_process

The time to process a queue entry in ms.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_queue_age

The age in seconds of the oldest queue entry

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_queue_size

The number of entries in the queue to process.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_restart_count

The number of times the all watcher has been restarted.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_store_size

The number of entities in the store.

See more: Source

  • juju_multiwatcher_watcher_count

The number of multiwatcher type watchers there are.

See more: Source

  • juju_peergrouper_replicaset_status

The details of the mongo replicaset.

See more: Source

  • juju_pubsub_consumed

The consumed times for a pubsub message.

See more: Source

  • juju_pubsub_published

The number of published message per topic.

See more: Source

  • juju_pubsub_queue

The queue length for a given callback identifier.

See more: Source

  • juju_pubsub_subscriptions

The number of subscriptions on a hub.

See more: Source

  • juju_worker_modelcache_watcher_starts

The number of times the all model watcher has been started.

See more: Source

  • process_cpu_seconds_total

The total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.

  • process_max_fds

The maximum number of open file descriptors.

  • process_open_fds

The number of open file descriptors.

  • process_resident_memory_bytes

The resident memory size in bytes.

  • process_start_time_seconds

The start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.

  • process_virtual_memory_bytes

The virtual memory size in bytes.

  • process_virtual_memory_max_bytes

The maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes.