Documentation for integrating juju orchestrator with existing openstack private cloud


I have added openstack private cloud to my juju controller . Could anybody help to provide proper documentation which illustrates the following.

when I spin instances on openstack nova (kvm) how to attach the key-pair so that i can login the shell

How to attach userdata when we create a open stack instance.

Mostly I am looking documentaion on juju integration with an existing openstack private backing cloud.


If you’ve provisioned an instance with Juju, you can use juju ssh to get a shell on it.

You can add model configuration that will supply cloud-init userdata to provisioned instances. For example, a file for model config that includes trusted keys in userdata might look like this.

cloudinit-userdata: |
    - |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    - |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
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