I get a 403 trying to push a charm and a resource to the charmstore, where the charm is a non-caas charm and the resource is a docker image.
$ charm push ./build/builds/jupyter-notebook2 --resource jupyter_notebook_image=jupyter/base-notebook:latest --debug
17:11:06 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 client do GET https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/whoami {
17:11:07 INFO httpbakery logger.go:33 HTTP response OK (status 200 OK)
17:11:07 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 } -> error <nil>
17:11:07 DEBUG juju.charm charmdir.go:389 charm is not in revision control directory
17:11:07 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 client do GET https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/delegatable-macaroon {
17:11:07 INFO httpbakery logger.go:33 HTTP response OK (status 200 OK)
17:11:07 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 } -> error <nil>
17:11:07 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 client do POST https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/~jamesbeedy/jupyter-notebook2/archive?hash=d376640febe3f2782cb77473c8d0d1bdd2f020c29b5d76bec68718be5e352bd7ab74fde5d2c85d655405441c6b492890 {
17:11:19 INFO httpbakery logger.go:33 HTTP response OK (status 200 OK)
17:11:19 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 } -> error <nil>
url: cs:~jamesbeedy/jupyter-notebook2-0
channel: unpublished
17:11:19 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 client do GET https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/~jamesbeedy/jupyter-notebook2-0/docker-resource-upload-info?resource-name=jupyter_notebook_image {
17:11:19 INFO httpbakery logger.go:33 HTTP response OK (status 403 Forbidden)
17:11:19 DEBUG httpbakery logger.go:28 } -> error <nil>
ERROR cannot push charm resources: cannot get upload info: "cs:~jamesbeedy/jupyter-notebook2-0" does not support docker resource upload
17:11:19 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:475 error stack:
"cs:~jamesbeedy/jupyter-notebook2-0" does not support docker resource upload
github.com/juju/charmstore-client/cmd/charm/charmcmd/resource.go:144: cannot get upload info
github.com/juju/charmstore-client/cmd/charm/charmcmd/push.go:186: cannot push charm resources
I’m thinking this may be the line that is causing the 403 and blocking docker image resource uploads for non-caas charms.
Is this something we can have a discussion about, or is the registry.jujucharms.com
locked down for the use of caas charms only?