Disable ping on your machines


Some security policies require that ICMP is disabled. ICMP enables tools such as ping and traceroute.

Here we demonstrate how to achieve this by recruiting Juju’s hook-tools.

Background knowledge: Introducing juju run

Juju has the ability to execute commands on your behalf via juju run. They can be run in the context of a machine, an application or a unit.

For example, to retrieve the hostname for each of your model’s machines, we can run hostname on each of them:

juju run --all -- hostname

On a model with 4 machines, Juju generates the following YAML-formatted output:

- MachineId: "0"
  Stdout: |
- MachineId: "1"
  Stdout: |
- MachineId: "2"
  Stdout: |
- MachineId: "3"
  Stdout: |

List units of the model

Duration: 04:00

For our purposes we want to run in the context of a unit rather than a machine. With some bash we can retrieve a list of units from Juju:

juju status --format=short | cut -d' ' -f2  | cut -d':' -f1 -s

For my model, here is the output:


Make use of the close-port hook tool

Duration: 02:00

The close-port hook-tool is used to declare that ports on a unit’s machine should be closed. Juju’s firewaller worker watches for these declarations and makes changes to firewall rules or security groups based on the particular cloud provider implementation.

Let’s start by execute the close-port command for a single unit:

juju run --unit=pg-a/0 -- close-port icmp 

This executes silently when it’s successful.

We can combine the output from the command in step 1 to close the icmp protocol across all of our units with xargs

juju status --format=short \
   | cut -d' ' -f2 \
   | cut -d':' -f1 -s \
   | xargs -I@ juju run --unit @ close-port icmp


Duration: 04:00

Run juju machines to get the public IP addresses of the machines in your model:

juju machines

Your output might look similar to this:

Machine  State    DNS             Inst id        Series  AZ  Message
0        started  juju-0c2f53-0  trusty      Running
1        started  juju-0c2f53-1  bionic      Running
2        started   juju-0c2f53-2  bionic      Running
3        started   juju-0c2f53-3  bionic      Running

Now try pinging one of those machines:

ping -w 20

The command should eventually timeout after 20 seconds with something like this:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
20 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 543ms

This is excellent! Basic, useful scenario, covering one specific tool.

This is very useful material. @xinyuem

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