Destroying a juju model takes forever

Hi All,

I was trying to destroy the kubeflow model using below command and it is stuck in performing this operation from last 30 minutes and still going on.

$ juju destroy-model kubeflow --destroy-storage --force
WARNING This command will destroy the "kubeflow" model and all its resources. It cannot be stopped.

To continue, enter the name of the model to be destroyed: kubeflow
Destroying model
Waiting for model to be removed, 7 application(s)...............................
Waiting for model to be removed.................................................

As you can see below respective model is in destroying state.

$ juju status
Model     Controller  Cloud/Region              Version  SLA          Timestamp  Notes
kubeflow  lxd-mgmt    microk8s-train/localhost  3.1.7    unsupported  21:22:09Z  tearing down cloud environment

Model "admin/kubeflow" is empty.

$ juju models
Controller: lxd-mgmt

Model       Cloud/Region              Type        Status      Machines  Units  Access  Last connection
controller  management/default        lxd         available          1      1  admin   just now
kubeflow*   microk8s-train/localhost  kubernetes  destroying         0      -  admin   10 minutes ago

Is there a way I can troubleshoot the same ?

$ snap info juju
name:      juju
summary:   Juju - a model-driven operator lifecycle manager for K8s and machines
publisher: Canonical✓
license:   AGPL-3.0
description: |
  A model-driven **universal operator lifecycle manager** for multi cloud and hybrid cloud
  application management on K8s and machines.

  **What is an operator lifecycle manager?**
  Kubernetes operators are containers with operations code, that drive your applications on K8s.
  Juju is an operator lifecycle manager that manages the installation, integration and configuration
  of operators on the cluster. Juju also extends the idea of operators to traditional application
  management on Linux and Windows servers, or cloud instances.

  **Model-driven operations and integration**
  Organise your operators into models, which group together applications that can be tightly
  integrated on the same substrate and operated by the same team. Capture resource allocation,
  storage, networking and integration information in the model to simplify ongoing operations.

  **Better day-2 operations**
  Each operator code package, called a charm, declares methods for actions like back, restore, or
  security audit. Calling these methods provides remote administration of the application with no
  low-level access required.

  **Learn more**

  - juju
  juju.fetch-oci: oneshot, enabled, inactive
snap-id:      e2CPHpB1fUxcKtCyJTsm5t3hN9axJ0yj
tracking:     3.1/stable
refresh-date: 2024-01-30
installed:    3.1.7 (25751) 95MB -