designate docs - index


This charm provides Designate (DNSaaS) for an OpenStack Cloud.

Important: This documentation supports version 3.x of the Juju client. See the OpenStack Charm guide if you are using the 2.9.x client.


Designate relies on services from the mysql, rabbitmq-server and keystone charms:

juju deploy designate
juju deploy mysql
juju deploy rabbitmq-server
juju deploy keystone
juju deploy memcached
juju integrate designate memcached
juju integrate designate mysql
juju integrate designate rabbitmq-server
juju integrate designate keystone

To add support for DNS record auto-generation when Neutron ports and floating IPs are created the charm needs a relation with neutron-api charm:

juju deploy neutron-api
juju integrate designate neutron-api

The charm needs to store DNS records. This can be achieved by setting the dns-slave config option or by relating to the designate-bind charm:

juju deploy designate-bind
juju integrate designate designate-bind

For Queens and later, the nameservers config value must be set:

juju config designate nameservers=""

Policy Overrides

Policy overrides is an advanced feature that allows an operator to override the default policy of an OpenStack service. The policies that the service supports, the defaults it implements in its code, and the defaults that a charm may include should all be clearly understood before proceeding.

Caution: It is possible to break the system (for tenants and other services) if policies are incorrectly applied to the service.

Policy statements are placed in a YAML file. This file (or files) is then (ZIP) compressed into a single file and used as an application resource. The override is then enabled via a Boolean charm option.

Here are the essential commands (filenames are arbitrary):

zip override-file.yaml
juju attach-resource designate
juju config designate use-policyd-override=true

See appendix Policy Overrides in the OpenStack Charms Deployment Guide for a thorough treatment of this feature.


Please report bugs on Launchpad.

For general charm questions refer to the OpenStack Charm Guide.


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