Create a new charm filter

Hi, I would like to request a new “Identity” filter on It would host the IAM Platform’s charms, as well as OpenFGA and GLAuth.


@Lukewh Is this one for the web team? Not sure if any changes are required on the backend as well.

We can add the UI element. Is “identity” a valid category in the store API @tshinn? I see that neither the OpenFGA or GLAuth charms have a stable release @natalia-nowakowska. Do you have an example of another IAM Platform charm that is both released to stable and has the “identity” category applied? Thanks

Do the charms need to have a stable release to create the filter?

We currently have only latest/edge. Those charms/bundles should be under this filter:

Thanks for the list. They don’t need to have a stable release for the filter to be created, BUT none of them will show when the filter is activated. We use the Store API’s search endpoint that only returns stable charms and bundles. Once you have at least one charm or bundle on stable let me know and I’ll add the filter (it doesn’t take long :)).