Create a dashboard

This part of the tutorial focuses on accessing the User Interface (UI) and creating a dashboard.

Add example data

To create a dashboard you first need some data. Charmed Superset comes with the option to import test data for experimentation via a configuration parameter. You can do so as follows:

juju config superset-k8s load-examples=True

This may take some time, up to 5 minutes.

Once completed, juju status shows the superset-k8s/0 unit with Message: Status check: UP:

Model           Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
superset-model  superset-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.5.3    unsupported  11:05:51+01:00

App                  Version  Status       Scale  Charm           Channel        Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
postgresql-k8s       14.12    active           1  postgresql-k8s  14/stable      381  no       
redis-k8s            7.2.5    active           1  redis-k8s       latest/edge     36  no       
superset-k8s                  active           1  superset-k8s    latest/stable   31  no       Status check: UP

Unit                    Workload     Agent  Address      Ports  Message
postgresql-k8s/0*       active       idle         Primary
redis-k8s/0*            active       idle         
superset-k8s/0*         active       idle          Status check: UP

Access the UI

You can now access the UI via the superset-k8s/0 address, port 8088. You can do this by opening a browser to <unit-ip>:8088, in this example, and logging-in with the username/password admin/admin.

Create a dashboard

A dashboard is made up of at least one chart. You have pre-loaded some data including some ready made charts in the previous steps. Add some of these charts to your dashboard by following the steps below:

  1. Start by clicking + Dashboard on the welcome page. This opens a new draft dashboard.
  2. Select Edit Dashboard and drag and drop the top three charts into the dashboard.
  3. Give your dashboard a name. For instance, Example dashboard.
  4. Save your dashboard.
  5. Click the Draft button to turn it from a draft to a published dashboard.

See next: Clean up