By the end of this tutorial you will be able to run pyfiglet via docker:
$ docker run --rm -it pyfiglet:0.7.6 exec pyfiglet hello
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rockcraft, docker, skopeo and lxd are installed (there is a multipass docker
blueprint to help with that).
With rockcraft, we build images from a rockcraft.yaml
file rather than a Dockerfile
To create a new rock project,
mkdir pyfiglet-rock && cd pyfiglet-rock
rockcraft init
Next, update the file to look like this:
name: pyfiglet
base: ubuntu:22.04
version: '0.7.6' # Note: should match `pyfiglet` below
summary: A rock for pyfiglet
description: A rock for pyfiglet
license: Apache-2.0
plugin: python
source: .
- pyfiglet==0.7.6 # Note: should match `version` above
- python3-venv
Pack and run
Now, build the rock:
rockcraft clean && rockcraft pack -v
Next, import the rock into docker:
skopeo --insecure-policy copy oci-archive:pyfiglet_0.7.6_amd64.rock docker-daemon:pyfiglet:0.7.6
The image is now ready to be run. The default entrypoint is pebble, and we use pebble exec
to run one-shot commands:
$ docker run --rm -it pyfiglet:0.7.6 exec pyfiglet it works!
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To be able to poke around the container, you could add bash
to stage-packages
+ - bash
After repeating rockcraft pack
and skopeo copy
you should be able to override the entrypoint:
$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash pyfiglet:0.7.6
root@14d1812a2681:/# pyfiglet hi
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