[community workshop] Intermediate Juju practitioners

Come join in on a Intermediate workshop session with Juju.

Don’t be shy - come as you are.

Make sure you can deploy to a public cloud and we will explore some intermediate level Juju stuff.

  • Sharing models
  • Model configs
  • Juju actions
  • Juju persistent storage

Friday, July 1 · 10:00 – 11:00

Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/bat-rnou-hzf

Also, keep your head up for @hmlanigan is about to bootstrap the Americas community which means even more experiences over more time-zones! :globe_with_meridians: :tent: :compass: :sunrise_over_mountains:


I’ll be there!

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So, I think we hit a bug during this session which I have already reported on in January.

II’ve updated this with more information and hopefully we can get some help resolving it.

@hmlanigan - the bug is still in “New”. Any chance I can ping someone to look at this as I can easily assist in reproduce this.

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