[community workshop] Future of research data centers! Pablo Ordonez has the vision!

Welcome to another community workshop! This time, we will get insight in how research data centers evolves and how Juju fits in this!

@pordonez will be our oracle and feel free to chip in! Do not miss out! No prior knowledge required, come as you are, be awesome! :facepunch: :muscle:

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/fjc-qieb-zgs

Time: February 18, 10:00 AM GMT

Topic teaser:

While, enterprise data centers are rigid and bulletproof entities, research data centers are dynamic entities where stability is not a requirement. In addition, research data centers includes not only HPC but also other types of distributed computing for parallel computing.

Juju provides a way to deploy frameworks used in research such as Slurm, Hadoop, Spark, Kafka etc.

Anyone with an interest in Data Center Engineering, Data Center Architecture, Juju developers should come.

Invite friends and family, bring popcorn!


So sorry to be missing this! Have fun, everyone!

Can we have a calendar link or something to not miss interesting topics like this? I missed this, and I am not sure how I can be notified for future announcements.

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We don’t have a calendar for this as it is today and it would also require someone to maintain it.

If there is a good tool that allows for anyone to add to it, it could work.

Currently, these events are posted here in the forum with a [community workshop] tag.

Well, I can make a public calendar and whenever someone has an interesting workshop they can put it in there. Multiple people can manage it. Otherwise, does discourse have any way to notify about events?

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I don’t know actually… But perhaps @pedroleaoc does? It is a good idea if we could try get a community workshop calendar going. We do not need to over-architect it at the moment…

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Did you manage to get one up?

I created one on Google Calendar.

Link to share: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=azNyOTdkcDJwcWdrNmgxNjRjNmoxb25kbm9AZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

We can put the events there, so others will be notified one day in advance about these events.

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Hmm, right. Lets try to get this calendar published somewhere… Not sure where to best place it…

@pedroleaoc or @tmihoc might know?

We could put it in this pinned post. I’ll go ahead and add it there. We could then also disseminate it via future announcements / the MM chat / other media / during workshops. What do you think?

@mmrezaie I wanted to add this Friday’s session to the calendar but I don’t think I have the right privileges for that. Could you give me / @erik-lonroth privileges, or else can you add the event directly? PS Thanks a lot for setting this up, it’s very neat!