Command 'juju scp'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: ssh


Securely transfer files within a model.


juju scp [options] <source> <destination>


Flag Default Usage
--container the container name of the target pod
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
--no-host-key-checks false Skip host key checking (INSECURE)
--proxy false Proxy through the API server
--remote false Target on the workload or operator pod (k8s-only)


Copy the config of a Charmed Kubernetes cluster to ~/.kube/config:

juju scp kubernetes-master/0:config ~/.kube/config

Copy file /var/log/syslog from machine 2 to the client’s current working directory:

juju scp 2:/var/log/syslog .

Recursively copy the /var/log/mongodb directory from the mongodb/0 unit to the client’s local remote-logs directory:

juju scp -- -r mongodb/0:/var/log/mongodb/ remote-logs

Copy foo.txt from the client’s current working directory to a the apache2/1 unit model “prod” (-m prod). Proxy the SSH connection through the controller (–proxy) and enable compression (-- -C):

juju scp -m prod --proxy -- -C foo.txt apache2/1:

Copy multiple files from the client’s current working directory to the /home/ubuntu directory of machine 2:

juju scp file1 file2 2:

Copy multiple files from machine 3 as user “bob” to the client’s current working directory:

juju scp bob@3:'file1 file2' .

Copy file.dat from machine 0 to the machine hosting unit foo/0 (-- -3):

juju scp -- -3 0:file.dat foo/0:

Copy a file (‘chunks-inspect’) from localhost to /loki directory in a specific container in a juju unit running in Kubernetes:

juju scp --container loki chunks-inspect loki-k8s/0:/loki


Transfer files to, from and between Juju machine(s), unit(s) and the Juju client.

The basic syntax for the command requires the location of 1 or more source files or directories and their intended destination:

<source> <destination>

The <source> and <destination> arguments may either be a path to a local file or a remote location. Here is a fuller syntax diagram:

# <source>                 <destination>
[[<user>@]<target>:]<path> [<user>@]<target>:[<path>]

<user> is a user account that exists on the remote host. Juju defaults to the “ubuntu” user when this is omitted.

<target> may be either a unit or machine. Units are specified in form ‘<application-name>/<n>’, where ‘<n>’ is either the unit number or the value “leader” when targeting the leader unit for an application e.g. postgresql/0 or haproxy/leader. Machines are specified in form ‘<n>’, e.g. 0 or 12. The units and machines in your model can be obtained from the output of “juju status”.

<path> is a file path. Local relative paths are resolved relative to the current working directory. Remote relative paths are resolved relative to the home directory of the remote user account.

Providing arguments directly to scp

Send arguments directly to the underlying scp utility for full control by adding two hyphens to the argument list and adding arguments to the right (-- <arg> […]). Common arguments to scp include

  • “-r” recursively copy files from a directory
  • “-3” use the client as a proxy for transfers between machines
  • “-C” enable SSH compression

Transfers between machines

Machines do not have SSH connectivity to each other by default. Within a Juju model, all communication is facilitated by the Juju controller. To transfer files between machines, you can use the -3 option to scp, e.g. add “-- -3” to the command-line arguments.

Security considerations

To enable transfers to/from machines that do not have internet access, you can use the Juju controller as a proxy with the --proxy option.

The SSH host keys of the target are verified by default. To disable this, add –no-host-key-checks option. Using this option is strongly discouraged.