Command 'juju remove-storage'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: add-storage, attach-storage, detach-storage, list-storage, show-storage, storage


Removes storage from the model.


juju remove-storage [options] <storage> [<storage> ...]


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--force false Remove storage even if it is currently attached
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
--no-destroy false Remove the storage without destroying it


Remove the detached storage pgdata/0:

juju remove-storage pgdata/0

Remove the possibly attached storage pgdata/0:

juju remove-storage --force pgdata/0

Remove the storage pgdata/0, without destroying the corresponding cloud storage:

juju remove-storage --no-destroy pgdata/0


Removes storage from the model. Specify one or more storage IDs, as output by “juju storage”.

By default, remove-storage will fail if the storage is attached to any units. To override this behaviour, you can use “juju remove-storage --force”. Note: forced detach is not available on container models.