Command 'juju refresh'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: deploy


Refresh an application’s charm.


juju refresh [options] <application>


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--bind Configure application endpoint bindings to spaces
--channel Channel to use when getting the charm from Charmhub
--config Either a path to yaml-formatted application config file or a key=value pair
--force false Allow a charm to be refreshed which bypasses LXD profile allow list
--force-series false Refresh even if series of deployed applications are not supported by the new charm
--force-units false Refresh all units immediately, even if in error state
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
--path Refresh to a charm located at path
--resource Resource to be uploaded to the controller
--revision -1 Explicit revision of current charm
--storage Charm storage constraints
--switch Crossgrade to a different charm
--trust unset Allows charm to run hooks that require access credentials


To refresh the storage constraints for the application foo:

juju refresh foo --storage cache=ssd,10G

To refresh the application config from a file for application foo:

juju refresh foo --config config.yaml

To refresh the resources for application foo:

juju refresh foo --resource bar=/some/file.tgz --resource baz=./docs/cfg.xml


When no options are set, the application’s charm will be refreshed to the latest revision available in the repository from which it was originally deployed. An explicit revision can be chosen with the --revision option.

A path will need to be supplied to allow an updated copy of the charm to be located.

Deploying from a path is intended to suit the workflow of a charm author working on a single client machine; use of this deployment method from multiple clients is not supported and may lead to confusing behaviour. Each local charm gets uploaded with the revision specified in the charm, if possible, otherwise it gets a unique revision (highest in state + 1).

When deploying from a path, the --path option is used to specify the location from which to load the updated charm. Note that the directory containing the charm must match what was originally used to deploy the charm as a superficial check that the updated charm is compatible.

Resources may be uploaded at upgrade time by specifying the --resource option. Following the resource option should be name=filepath pair. This option may be repeated more than once to upload more than one resource.

juju refresh foo --resource bar=/some/file.tgz --resource baz=./docs/cfg.xml

Where bar and baz are resources named in the metadata for the foo charm.

Storage constraints may be added or updated at upgrade time by specifying the --storage option, with the same format as specified in “juju deploy”. If new required storage is added by the new charm revision, then you must specify constraints or the defaults will be applied.

juju refresh foo --storage cache=ssd,10G

Charm settings may be added or updated at upgrade time by specifying the –config option, pointing to a YAML-encoded application config file.

juju refresh foo --config config.yaml

If the new version of a charm does not explicitly support the application’s series, the upgrade is disallowed unless the --force-series option is used. This option should be used with caution since using a charm on a machine running an unsupported series may cause unexpected behavior.

The --switch option allows you to replace the charm with an entirely different one. The new charm’s URL and revision are inferred as they would be when running a deploy command.

Please note that --switch is dangerous, because juju only has limited information with which to determine compatibility; the operation will succeed, regardless of potential havoc, so long as the following conditions hold:

  • The new charm must declare all relations that the application is currently participating in.
  • All config settings shared by the old and new charms must have the same types.

The new charm may add new relations and configuration settings.

The new charm may also need to be granted access to trusted credentials. Use --trust to grant such access. Or use --trust=false to revoke such access.

–switch and --path are mutually exclusive.

–path and --revision are mutually exclusive. The revision of the updated charm is determined by the contents of the charm at the specified path.

–switch and --revision are mutually exclusive.

Use of the --force-units option is not generally recommended; units upgraded while in an error state will not have upgrade-charm hooks executed, and may cause unexpected behavior.

–force option for LXD Profiles is not generally recommended when upgrading an application; overriding profiles on the container may cause unexpected behavior.