Command 'juju charm-resources'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: resources, attach-resource


Display the resources for a charm in a repository.


juju charm-resources [options] <charm>


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--channel stable the channel of the charm
--format tabular Specify output format (json|tabular|yaml)
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
-o, --output Specify an output file


Display charm resources for the postgresql charm:

juju charm-resources postgresql

Display charm resources for mycharm in the 2.0/edge channel:

juju charm-resources mycharm --channel 2.0/edge


This command will report the resources and the current revision of each resource for a charm in a repository.

Channel can be specified with --channel. If not provided, stable is used.

Where a channel is not supplied, stable is used.