Charmed ZooKeeper k8s tutorial

The Charmed ZooKeeper Operator delivers automated operations management from Day 0 to Day 2 on the Apache ZooKeeper highly reliable distributed coordination platform.

In this tutorial we will walk through how to:

  • Set up an environment using Multipass with MicroK8s and Juju.
  • Deploy ZooKeeper using juju.
  • Change the super-user password.
  • Scale to more replicas
  • Test service.

Minimum requirements

  • 4 to 8 GB of RAM
  • 2 to 4 cores
  • 1 storage device, 64GB

Step-by-step guide

Setup an environment

Multipass is a quick and easy way to launch virtual machines running Ubuntu. It uses “cloud-init” standard to install and configure all the necessary parts automatically.

Let’s install Multipass from Snap and launch a new VM using “charm-dev” cloud-init config:

sudo snap install multipass
multipass launch --cpus 4 --memory 8G --disk 64G --name charm-dev-zookeeper charm-dev

Use the multipass list command to wait until the VM is running:

watch -n 15s multipass list

Note: This could take a long time to get everything setup. If it fails retry the launch command after cleaning up the VM with multipass delete --purge charm-dev-zookeeper

Once the VM is ready the multipass list should show an output similar to this:

$ multipass list
Name                    State             IPv4             Image
charm-dev-zookeeper     Running      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Press CTRL+C to exit the watch display and start a shell in the newly created VM using this:

multipass shell charm-dev-zookeeper

The image comes with two juju controllers already setup, one for LXD and one for MicroK8s, for this tutorial, use the MicroK8s:

$ juju list-controllers
Use --refresh option with this command to see the latest information.

Controller  Model        User   Access     Cloud/Region         Models  Nodes    HA  Version
lxd*         welcome-lxd  admin  superuser  localhost/localhost       2      1  none  3.5.4  
microk8s   zookeeper    admin  superuser  microk8s/localhost        3      1     -  3.5.4  
$ juju switch microk8s

Now, create a new model for this tutorial:

juju add-model zookeeper

Deploy ZooKeeper

To deploy ZooKeeper with 3 replicas:

juju deploy zookeeper-k8s -n 3

To monitor the deployment, run juju status:

juju status --watch 5s

Once all the units are active/idle. Get the super user password:

$ juju run zookeeper-k8s/leader get-super-password
Running operation 1 with 1 task
  - task 2 on unit-zookeeper-k8s-0

Waiting for task 2...
super-password: CQeh2HUaBavIHg8yhkj6VLatypPGIza5

Change the super-user password

The Charmed ZooKeeper K8s Operator has two internal users:

  • super: admin user for the cluster. Used by the Kafka operator.
  • sync: specific to the internal quorum handling. The action set-passwordcan be used to rotate the password of the internal users, if passed with option, it will rotate the password of the super user.
# to set a specific password for the super user:
juju run zookeeper-k8s/leader set-password username=super password=2p14jdpsa024834sadpf234

# to set a random password for the super user:
juju run zookeeper-k8s/leader set-password username=super

Scale the application to 5 replicas

In order to scale up or down the application, run this command with 5 is the target replicas:

juju scale-application zookeeper-k8s 5

Verify that the replicas have been added:

juju status --watch=15s

Test service

First determine the IP address of the leader unit:

$ juju status
Model      Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
zookeeper  microk8s    microk8s/localhost  3.5.4    unsupported  15:26:10-04:00

App            Version  Status  Scale  Charm          Channel   Rev  Address        Exposed  Message
zookeeper-k8s           active      3  zookeeper-k8s  3/stable   51  no       

Unit              Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
zookeeper-k8s/0*  active    idle         
zookeeper-k8s/1   active    idle         
zookeeper-k8s/2   active    idle  

In this example, the leader unit IP is, then test of the port is reachable from the VM:

nc -zv

If it is succesful, you can run this little python test:

git clone
python3 -m venv zk
source zk/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r test-zookeeper/requirements.txt
$ python3 test-zookeeper/ --host
INFO:__main__:Will connection to
INFO:__main__:Connecting to
INFO:kazoo.client:Connecting to, use_ssl: False
INFO:kazoo.client:Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED
INFO:__main__:Ensuring the path exist, creating if needed
INFO:__main__:Writing a test value to /test/zookeeper/node-test
INFO:__main__:znode was created
INFO:__main__:Version: 0, data: a test value
INFO:__main__:Test successful!
INFO:__main__:Cleaning up
INFO:kazoo.client:Closing connection to
INFO:kazoo.client:Zookeeper session closed, state: CLOSED

Next Steps

Charmed ZooKeeper is mostly used by Charmed Kafka, you can read more here.