Charmed Spark K8s Documentation - How to enable authentication on the Spark History Server charm

Enable authorization and authentication with the Spark History Server charm

The Charmed Spark solution includes the Spark History charm that enables users to monitor their applications workflows and logs. Natively, this product does not support authentication and authorization that is an essential feature in a production environment. To overcome this limitation, the Spark History Server charm is integrated with the Canonical Identity bundle that offers several authentication and authorization functionalities with Juju.

Deploy the Identity Bundle and integrate it with the Spark History Server

In order to enable authentication and authorization on the Spark History Server charm some steps are needed.

First deploy the identity bundle.

NOTE: Please take a look at the Identity Platform tutorial to check that your environment is configured correctly.

juju add-model spark
juju deploy identity-platform --channel edge --trust

After some minutes the different charms will be deployed and ready to use.

One needed step to properly configure the Identity Bundle is to configure which identity provider we want to use. This can be done by configuring the kratos-external-idp-integrator with the configurations and parameters of your identity provider.

The following is an example of configuration for the Azure Identity provider:

juju config kratos-external-idp-integrator microsoft_tenant_id=<YOUR_TENANT_ID> provider=microsoft client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> client_secret=<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRETS>.

More information about supported identity providers and other useful information can be found here

Right after, we need to deploy the Spark History Server charm and the s3-integrator. For simplicity, we can place the configuration of our S3 backed some environment variable to configure the s3-integrator:


juju deploy s3-integrator -n1 --channel edge
juju config s3-integrator bucket=$S3_BUCKET path="spark-events" endpoint=$S3_ENDPOINT
juju run s3-integrator/leader sync-s3-credentials access-key=$ACCESS_KEY secret-key=$SECRET_KEY

After the configuration of the s3-integrator we can deploy the Spark History Server charm and relate it with the s3-integrator:

juju deploy spark-history-server-k8s --channel 3.4/edge
juju relate s3-integrator spark-history-server-k8s

The relation between the Spark History Server and the Identity bundle is handled by another charms that is offered by the Canonical Identity Team that it is named Oathkeeper. This charm enables the protection of endpoints that are behind an ingress, more specifically Traefik. So as the next step, we need to relate the Spark History Server charm with Traefik.

The Identity bundle deployed two instance of Traefik, we will need to used the one named: traefik-public

juju relate spark-history-server-k8s traefik-public

After it, we can deploy, configure and integrate the Oathkeeper charm with traefik-public.

juju deploy oathkeeper --channel edge --trust
juju config oathkeeper dev=True
juju config traefik-public enable_experimental_forward_auth=True

Now we need to integrate Oathkeeper with the ingress and with the Spark History Server charm. The Oathkeeper charm will also need to be integrated with the Kratos charm.

juju integrate oathkeeper spark-history-server-k8s
juju integrate oathkeeper traefik-public:experimental-forward-auth
juju config kratos dev=true
juju integrate oathkeeper kratos

Eventually, you can get the endpoint by running this action:

juju run traefik-public/0 show-proxied-endpoints

When you access the link exposed by Traefik, you will be redirected to your desired identity provider to do the authentication. After a successful authentication you will be permitted to access the Spark History server endpoint.

Authorization Management

By default all authenticated users can access the Spark History Server endpoint. In order to limit the access to a selected set of users, the Spark History Server charm offers the possibility to specify authorized users. This can be done by updating a configuration option. The authorized users (identified by email address) should be specified as a comma-separated list.

juju config spark-history-server-k8s authorized-users=","