Charmed OpenSearch Tutorial | Overview


This tutorial is designed to help you learn how to deploy Charmed OpenSearch and become familiar with its available operations.

To get started right away, go to Step 1. Set up the environment.


While this tutorial intends to guide you as you deploy Charmed OpenSearch for the first time, it will be most beneficial if:

Tutorial contents

The following topics are covered:

Step Details
1. Set up the environment Set up a cloud environment for your deployment with LXD
2. Deploy OpenSearch Learn how to deploy OpenSearch with Juju
3. Enable TLS encryption Enable security in your deployment by integrating with a TLS certificates operator
4. Integrate with a client application Learn how to integrate a client app with OpenSearch and manage users
5. Manage passwords Learn about password management and rotation
6. Scale horizontally Scale your application by adding or removing juju units
7. Clean up the environment Remove your OpenSearch deployment and juju to free your machine’s resources

Get started: Step 1. Set up the environment

In the prerequisites part, could “PostgreSQL K8s” be replaced with “Opensearch” ?

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Fixed! Thanks for noticing :slight_smile: