Charmed OpenSearch is generally available!

Hello :wave:

We are happy to announce the first generally available release of Charmed OpenSearch, now published in the 2/stable charmhub channel for the IaaS / VM (virtual machine) flavour!

Charm Version Charm channel Sources (github) License
Charmed OpenSearch 2.17.0 2/stable (r168) opensearch-operator Apache 2.0
Charmed OpenSearch Dashboards 2.17.0 2/stable (r22) opensearch-dashboards-operator Apache 2.0

Release notes can be found here and here.

Available Features:


  • HA
  • Safe scale-up and scale-down
  • Large deployments (forming 1 cluster out of many):
    • cross-cloud / region / model / controllers
  • TLS Encryption:
    • Transport layer
    • HTTP layer
  • TLS Certificates and CA rotation without downtime
  • Backup and restore to S3 compatible storages
  • Client connections and basic user management
  • Password rotation
  • Roles management
  • Plugin management
  • Observability and monitoring (incl. grafana dashboards)
  • Minor version upgrades without downtime

Documentation can be found here

OpenSearch Dashboards:

  • TLS for HTTP
  • Observability and monitoring (incl. grafana dashboards)
  • Minor version upgrades without downtime

Documentation can be found here.

Inside the charms:

  • OpenSearch: 2.17.0
  • OpenSearch Dashboards: 2.17.0
  • Aiven-Open Prometheus exporter plugin for opensearch: 2.17.0
  • Chamilad kibana prometheus exporter: 8.7


In addition to our charms, we also released to 2/stable other artifacts, namely:

How to reach the team:

Chat with us about your use case on Matrix. Reach the commercial team here.

Bug reports may be filed on GitHub. We also welcome contributions to our documentation and to our projects.


Great work and big thanks to the team! and to all of the extended team that made this release possible. This release would not have happened but for your dedication and hard work.