Charmed MySQL How-to - ClusterSet: async replication

Configuring asynchronous replication: MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet

WARNING: it is an internal article. Do NOT use it in production! Contact Canonical Data Platform team if you are interested in the topic.


Read more about MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet and watch the presentation.

For simplicity, we deploy both MySQL InnoDB Clusters into the same model, but the proper design is to install them in different Regions/Clouds:


Bootstrap two MySQL InnoDB Clusters (Rome and Lisbon) and test application to generate SQL traffic:

juju deploy --constraints mem=2G mysql mysql-1st --channel 8.0/edge -n 3 --config cluster-name=ROME
juju deploy --constraints mem=2G mysql mysql-2nd --channel 8.0/edge -n 3 --config cluster-name=LISBON
juju deploy mysql-test-app --channel edge
juju relate mysql-1st mysql-test-app:database
juju wait-for application mysql-1st --query='status=="active"' && juju wait-for application mysql-2nd --query='status=="active"'

Collect clusters details

Collect both clusters credentials to reuse later:

cluster_name_1st=$(juju show-unit mysql-1st/0 | yq '.. | select(. | has("cluster-name")).cluster-name')
cluster_name_2nd=$(juju show-unit mysql-2nd/0 | yq '.. | select(. | has("cluster-name")).cluster-name')
root_password_1st=$(juju run mysql-1st/0 get-password username=root  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
root_password_2nd=$(juju run mysql-2nd/0 get-password username=root  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
serverconfig_password_1st=$(juju run mysql-1st/0 get-password username=serverconfig  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
serverconfig_password_2nd=$(juju run mysql-2nd/0 get-password username=serverconfig  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
clusteradmin_password_1st=$(juju run mysql-1st/0 get-password username=clusteradmin  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
clusteradmin_password_2nd=$(juju run mysql-2nd/0 get-password username=clusteradmin  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
monitoring_password_1st=$(juju run mysql-1st/0 get-password username=monitoring  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
monitoring_password_2nd=$(juju run mysql-2nd/0 get-password username=monitoring  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
backups_password_1st=$(juju run mysql-1st/0 get-password username=backups  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')
backups_password_2nd=$(juju run mysql-2nd/0 get-password username=backups  | yq '.. | select(. | has("password")).password')

cat << EOF
Cluster names:
  1st: ${cluster_name_1st}
  2nd: ${cluster_name_2nd}
  1st: root:${root_password_1st}
  2nd: root:${root_password_2nd}
  1st: serverconfig:${serverconfig_password_1st}
  2nd: serverconfig:${serverconfig_password_2nd}
  1st: clusteradmin:${clusteradmin_password_1st}
  2nd: clusteradmin:${clusteradmin_password_2nd}

Sync credentials

It is important to set the first cluster credentials on the second cluster to allow charm operator to continue managing 2nd Cluster after joining the ClusterSet:

juju run mysql-2nd/leader set-password username=root password=${root_password_1st}  # not really necessary.
juju run mysql-2nd/leader set-password username=clusteradmin password=${clusteradmin_password_1st} 
juju run mysql-2nd/leader set-password username=serverconfig password=${serverconfig_password_1st} 
juju run mysql-2nd/leader set-password username=monitoring password=${monitoring_password_1st} 
juju run mysql-2nd/leader set-password username=backups password=${backups_password_1st} 

Pause operators

To avoid any damage by the operator, we should pause all activities there, until re-configuration is finished. WIP: DPE-2183, DPE-2184.

TODO: pause all MySQL Clusters (in ClusterSet) and all mysql-routers (as Juju update-status might trigger cluster.rescan() and produce troubles for Cluster members are being synced via mysql-shell).

Destroy the 2nd Cluster (to be re-created inside the ClusterSet)

It is NOT possible to “merge” two different MySQL InnoDB Clusters due to different GTID on both Clusters. We are going to dissolve the second Cluster to re-create it as a clone of the first one:

juju ssh mysql-2nd/leader charmed-mysql.mysqlsh --py -h127.0.0.1 -uclusteradmin -p${clusteradmin_password_1st}

> dba.get_cluster().dissolve(); # answer YES to all questions, remember IPs of all cluster members

Re-create the 2nd Cluster as 1st Cluster clone

Create the second cluster as a clone copy of the first cluster under the first ClusterSet.

IMPORTANT: replace all FIXME_ labels with a proper values (unit IPs and cluster-name)!

juju ssh mysql-1st/leader charmed-mysql.mysqlsh --py -h127.0.0.1 -uclusteradmin -p${clusteradmin_password_1st}

> cs = dba.get_cluster_set()
> cluster2 = cs.create_replica_cluster("clusteradmin@FIXME_IP_1:3306", "FIXME_LISBON", recoveryProgress=1, timeout=10, recoveryMethod='clone');
> cluster2.set_instance_option('clusteradmin@FIXME_IP_1:3306', 'label', 'mysql-2nd-0'); 
> cluster2.add_instance('clusteradmin@FIXME_IP_2:3306', label="mysql-2nd-1", recoveryMethod='clone');
> cluster2.add_instance('clusteradmin@FIXME_IP_3:3306', label="mysql-2nd-2", recoveryMethod='clone');

Check the status

Check the Juju and MySQL InnoDB Cluster(Set) statuses:

juju status

Model       Controller  Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
clusterset  lxd         localhost/localhost  2.9.43   unsupported  15:27:08+02:00

App             Version          Status  Scale  Charm           Channel   Rev  Exposed  Message
mysql-1st       8.0.32-0ubun...  active      3  mysql           8.0/edge  164  no       
mysql-2nd       8.0.32-0ubun...  active      3  mysql           8.0/edge  164  no       
mysql-test-app  0.0.2            active      1  mysql-test-app  edge       20  no       

Unit               Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports               Message
mysql-1st/0        active    idle   0     3306/tcp,33060/tcp  
mysql-1st/1        active    idle   1    3306/tcp,33060/tcp  
mysql-1st/2*       active    idle   2    3306/tcp,33060/tcp  Primary
mysql-2nd/0        active    idle   3    3306/tcp,33060/tcp  
mysql-2nd/1        active    idle   4    3306/tcp,33060/tcp  
mysql-2nd/2*       active    idle   5    3306/tcp,33060/tcp  Primary
mysql-test-app/0*  active    idle   6                       

Machine  State    Address        Inst id        Series  AZ  Message
0        started    juju-014b8f-0  jammy       Running
1        started   juju-014b8f-1  jammy       Running
2        started   juju-014b8f-2  jammy       Running
3        started   juju-014b8f-3  jammy       Running
4        started   juju-014b8f-4  jammy       Running
5        started   juju-014b8f-5  jammy       Running
6        started  juju-014b8f-6  jammy       Running

MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet status:

juju ssh mysql-1st/leader charmed-mysql.mysqlsh --py -h127.0.0.1 -uclusteradmin -p${clusteradmin_password_1st}

> dba.get_cluster_set().status(extended=1);
    "clusters": {
        "LISBON": {
            "clusterRole": "REPLICA", 
            "clusterSetReplication": {
                "applierStatus": "APPLIED_ALL", 
                "applierThreadState": "Waiting for an event from Coordinator", 
                "applierWorkerThreads": 4, 
                "receiver": "", 
                "receiverStatus": "ON", 
                "receiverThreadState": "Waiting for source to send event", 
                "source": ""
            "clusterSetReplicationStatus": "OK", 
            "globalStatus": "OK", 
            "status": "OK", 
            "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.", 
            "topology": {
                "mysql-2nd-0": {
                    "address": "", 
                    "memberRole": "PRIMARY", 
                    "mode": "R/O", 
                    "replicationLagFromImmediateSource": "", 
                    "replicationLagFromOriginalSource": "", 
                    "status": "ONLINE", 
                    "version": "8.0.32"
                "mysql-2nd-1": {
                    "address": "", 
                    "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                    "mode": "R/O", 
                    "replicationLagFromImmediateSource": "", 
                    "replicationLagFromOriginalSource": "", 
                    "status": "ONLINE", 
                    "version": "8.0.32"
                "mysql-2nd-2": {
                    "address": "", 
                    "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                    "mode": "R/O", 
                    "replicationLagFromImmediateSource": "", 
                    "replicationLagFromOriginalSource": "", 
                    "status": "ONLINE", 
                    "version": "8.0.32"
            "transactionSet": "0a2d1861-0ea1-11ee-8ec2-00163ef59470:1-17047,0a2d1b28-0ea1-11ee-8ec2-00163ef59470:1-5,1549f330-0ea2-11ee-95a9-00163e5d863b:1-7,ec27d3f3-0ea0-11ee-aa9d-00163ef59470:1-4", 
            "transactionSetConsistencyStatus": "OK", 
            "transactionSetErrantGtidSet": "", 
            "transactionSetMissingGtidSet": ""
        "ROME": {
            "clusterRole": "PRIMARY", 
            "globalStatus": "OK", 
            "primary": "", 
            "status": "OK", 
            "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.", 
            "topology": {
                "mysql-1st-0": {
                    "address": "", 
                    "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                    "mode": "R/O", 
                    "replicationLagFromImmediateSource": "", 
                    "replicationLagFromOriginalSource": "", 
                    "status": "ONLINE", 
                    "version": "8.0.32"
                "mysql-1st-1": {
                    "address": "", 
                    "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                    "mode": "R/O", 
                    "replicationLagFromImmediateSource": "", 
                    "replicationLagFromOriginalSource": "", 
                    "status": "ONLINE", 
                    "version": "8.0.32"
                "mysql-1st-2": {
                    "address": "", 
                    "memberRole": "PRIMARY", 
                    "mode": "R/W", 
                    "status": "ONLINE", 
                    "version": "8.0.32"
            "transactionSet": "0a2d1861-0ea1-11ee-8ec2-00163ef59470:1-17047,0a2d1b28-0ea1-11ee-8ec2-00163ef59470:1-5,1549f330-0ea2-11ee-95a9-00163e5d863b:1-6,ec27d3f3-0ea0-11ee-aa9d-00163ef59470:1-4"
    "domainName": "cluster-set-0a16c7e0e4d4a8c8956911b8cadb17f3", 
    "globalPrimaryInstance": "", 
    "metadataServer": "", 
    "primaryCluster": "ROME", 
    "status": "HEALTHY", 
    "statusText": "All Clusters available."
 MySQL ssl  Py > 

All OK here!

MySQL Router

Removing test application to bootstrap two independent test applications behind mysql-router to provide the complete setup as displayed on the diagram above:

juju remove-application mysql-test-app

Bootstrap mysql-router with two independent test applications (note: series must match due to subordinate nature of mysql-router):

juju deploy mysql-test-app application-1st --channel edge --series jammy
juju deploy mysql-test-app application-2nd --channel edge --series jammy
juju deploy mysql-router mysql-router-1st --channel dpe/edge --series jammy
juju deploy mysql-router mysql-router-2nd --channel dpe/edge --series jammy

juju relate application-1st mysql-router-1st
juju relate mysql-router-1st mysql-1st # relate to primary ClusterSet first, otherwise cannot bootstrap!
juju relate mysql-router-1st mysql-2nd

juju relate application-2nd mysql-router-2nd
juju relate mysql-router-2nd mysql-1st # relate to primary ClusterSet first, otherwise cannot bootstrap!
juju relate mysql-router-2nd mysql-2nd

MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet configured MySQL Router automatically and test applications start using database:

juju ssh mysql-1st/leader charmed-mysql.mysqlsh --py -h127.0.0.1 -uclusteradmin -p${clusteradmin_password_1st}

> dba.get_cluster_set().list_routers()
    "domainName": "cluster-set-0a16c7e0e4d4a8c8956911b8cadb17f3", 
    "routers": {
        "juju-014b8f-10.lxd::application-2nd": {
            "hostname": "juju-014b8f-10.lxd", 
            "lastCheckIn": "2023-06-19 15:06:45", 
            "roPort": "3307", 
            "roXPort": "3309", 
            "rwPort": "3306", 
            "rwXPort": "3308", 
            "targetCluster": null, 
            "version": "8.0.32"
        "juju-014b8f-9.lxd::application-1st": {
            "hostname": "juju-014b8f-9.lxd", 
            "lastCheckIn": "2023-06-19 14:58:35", 
            "roPort": "3307", 
            "roXPort": "3309", 
            "rwPort": "3306", 
            "rwXPort": "3308", 
            "targetCluster": null, 
            "version": "8.0.32"

Juju status shows all the necessary relation and happy:

> juju status --relations
Model       Controller  Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
clusterset  lxd         localhost/localhost  2.9.43   unsupported  17:25:07+02:00

App               Version          Status   Scale  Charm           Channel   Rev  Exposed  Message
application-1st   0.0.2            active       1  mysql-test-app  edge       20  no       
application-2nd   0.0.2            waiting      1  mysql-test-app  edge       20  no       
mysql-1st         8.0.32-0ubun...  active       3  mysql           8.0/edge  164  no       
mysql-2nd         8.0.32-0ubun...  active       3  mysql           8.0/edge  164  no       
mysql-router-1st                   active       1  mysql-router    dpe/edge   77  no       
mysql-router-2nd                   active       1  mysql-router    dpe/edge   77  no       

Unit                   Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports                                Message
application-1st/0*     active    idle   9                                        
  mysql-router-1st/0*  active    idle     6446/tcp,6447/tcp,6448/tcp,6449/tcp  
application-2nd/1*     waiting   idle   11                                        
  mysql-router-2nd/1*  active    idle     6446/tcp,6447/tcp,6448/tcp,6449/tcp  
mysql-1st/1            active    idle   1    3306/tcp,33060/tcp                   
mysql-1st/2*           active    idle   2    3306/tcp,33060/tcp                   Primary
mysql-1st/3            active    idle   8    3306/tcp,33060/tcp                   
mysql-2nd/0            active    idle   3    3306/tcp,33060/tcp                   
mysql-2nd/1            active    idle   4    3306/tcp,33060/tcp                   
mysql-2nd/2*           active    idle   5    3306/tcp,33060/tcp                   Primary

Machine  State    Address        Inst id         Series  AZ  Message
1        started   juju-014b8f-1   jammy       Running
2        started   juju-014b8f-2   jammy       Running
3        started   juju-014b8f-3   jammy       Running
4        started   juju-014b8f-4   jammy       Running
5        started   juju-014b8f-5   jammy       Running
8        started   juju-014b8f-8   jammy       Running
9        started  juju-014b8f-9   jammy       Running
11       started  juju-014b8f-11  jammy       Running

Relation provider                    Requirer                             Interface           Type         Message
application-1st:application-peers    application-1st:application-peers    application-peers   peer         
application-2nd:application-peers    application-2nd:application-peers    application-peers   peer         
mysql-1st:database                   mysql-router-1st:backend-database    mysql_client        regular      
mysql-1st:database                   mysql-router-2nd:backend-database    mysql_client        regular      
mysql-1st:database-peers             mysql-1st:database-peers             mysql_peers         peer         
mysql-2nd:database                   mysql-router-1st:backend-database    mysql_client        regular      
mysql-2nd:database                   mysql-router-2nd:backend-database    mysql_client        regular      
mysql-2nd:database-peers             mysql-2nd:database-peers             mysql_peers         peer         
mysql-router-1st:database            application-1st:database             mysql_client        subordinate  
mysql-router-1st:mysql-router-peers  mysql-router-1st:mysql-router-peers  mysql_router_peers  peer         
mysql-router-2nd:database            application-2nd:database             mysql_client        subordinate  
mysql-router-2nd:mysql-router-peers  mysql-router-2nd:mysql-router-peers  mysql_router_peers  peer         

ClusterSet/Cluster Scaling

to be continued…

ClusterSet/Cluster Switchovers

Read the general ClusterSet Emergency Failover. Juju, to be continued…
