Charmed MongoDB K8s Documentation

Charmed MongoDB K8s Documentation

The Charmed MongoDB Operator delivers automated operations management from day 0 to day 2 on the MongoDB Community Edition document database running on Kubernetes. It is a very great open source, end-to-end, production-ready data platform on top of juju.

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database application. It stores its data with JSON-like documents creating a flexible experience for users; with easy to use data aggregation for data analytics. It is a distributed database, so vertical and horizontal scaling come naturally.

This operator charm deploys and operates MongoDB on physical or virtual machines. It offers features such as replication, TLS, password rotation, and easy to use integration with applications. The Charmed MongoDB Operator meets the need of deploying MongoDB in a structured and consistent manner while allowing the user flexibility in configuration. It simplifies deployment, scaling, configuration and management of MongoDB in production at scale in a reliable way.

Project and community

Charmed MongoDB is an official distribution of MongoDB. It’s an open-source project that welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.


Level Path Navlink
1 tutorial Tutorial
2 tutorial-t-cleanup-environment Cleanup and extra info
2 tutorial-t-deploy-mongodb Get a Charmed MongoDB up and running
2 tutorial-t-overview Charmed MongoDB K8s Tutorial
2 r-testing Charm Testing reference