Internal users explanations:
The operator uses the following internal DB users:
- the user that uses to manage database/cluster.monitor
- the user for COS integration.backup
- the user to perform/list/restore backups.
The full list of internal users is available in charm source code. The full dump of internal users (on the newly installed charm):
ongodb-k8s [primary] admin> db.system.users.find()
_id: 'admin.operator',
userId: new UUID("f4466ca5-7640-4af3-b9eb-6b5a2313696a"),
user: 'operator',
db: 'admin',
credentials: {
'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
iterationCount: 15000,
salt: 'F6HeW8j0Vseza/r3anU6cHBy+Uiu1f8nmMn8TA==',
storedKey: 'yHi6aWAs0blfXiePgh9nkzXw/Vr0JBhBUV0VmXysx+s=',
serverKey: 'sJpXiPUrEEV9qlf8ZFng0zolN0Ii3MXKnta1mvaVTEI='
roles: [
{ role: 'readWriteAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'clusterAdmin', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' }
_id: 'admin.backup',
userId: new UUID("ece48d5e-985a-4863-8660-8fa2e1a0aa7d"),
user: 'backup',
db: 'admin',
credentials: {
'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
iterationCount: 15000,
salt: 'QktAJGMGslnfpHg6p/Dd7eGlYb8uzBdBsCEiwg==',
storedKey: '/abOk7NijI9u7rf8leRcnpBYImGshmGW7BsXwVpFYrQ=',
serverKey: 'QWYXFJm1GhqrGjvqZTAtdKGitL+8B1LNIF3OmkiYyiU='
roles: [
{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'clusterMonitor', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'backup', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'pbmAnyAction', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'restore', db: 'admin' }
_id: 'admin.monitor',
userId: new UUID("59560831-741d-4417-938a-68056bc80c47"),
user: 'monitor',
db: 'admin',
credentials: {
'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
iterationCount: 15000,
salt: 'QElyLpAw5PFmc4juu6Nk94Hv/4H1RxQfDgVEyg==',
storedKey: 'bW2wC8DheiNkSMdMtZcq149qE9hKIErgcJVtRRghhqA=',
serverKey: 'AU271CqwEMTFDorYRPVgyU1J5SvNLIVFWAItw19TvOg='
roles: [
{ role: 'clusterMonitor', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'explainRole', db: 'admin' },
{ role: 'read', db: 'local' }
Note: it is forbidden to use/manage described above users! They are dedicated to the operators logic! Please use data-integrator charm to generate/manage/remove an external credentials.