Charmed-kubernetes, nvidia gpu-operator install issues

I have a new charmed-kubernetes install I’m testing. MaaS is the cloud provider. All systems provision and come up correctly. However, I am attempting to use the Nvidia gpu-operator for the gpu nodes. Details:

The install starts off but then I run into an error in one of the pods on:

1.6564539553979924e+09 INFO controllers.ClusterPolicy DaemonSet not found, creating {“DaemonSet”: “nvidia-driver-daemonset”, “Namespace”: “gpu-operator”, “Name”: “nvidia-driver-daemonset”} 1.6564539554024365e+09 INFO controllers.ClusterPolicy Couldn’t create DaemonSet {“DaemonSet”: “nvidia-driver-daemonset”, “Namespace”: “gpu-operator”, “Name”: “nvidia-driver-daemonset”, “Error”: “DaemonSet.apps “nvidia-driver-daemonset” is invalid: [spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.privileged: Forbidden: disallowed by cluster policy, spec.template.spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.privileged: Forbidden: disallowed by cluster policy]”}

1.6564539554024835e+09 ERROR controller.clusterpolicy-controller Reconciler error {“name”: “cluster-policy”, “namespace”: “”, “error”: “DaemonSet.apps “nvidia-driver-daemonset” is invalid: [spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.privileged: Forbidden: disallowed by cluster policy, spec.template.spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.privileged: Forbidden: disallowed by cluster policy]”}

Any suggestions as to how to resolve this?