Charmed Kubeflow 1.7 beta is here!

If you have any questions or topics to discuss, you can submit a discourse post with the tag kubeflow.

If you find any issues when deploying the bundle, please go ahead and file a bug in the bundle-kubeflow repository.

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You have more time for Charmed Kubeflow 1.7 Beta!

The general availability release has been pushed for 29th of March. What does it mean?

  • You have more time to try Charmed Kubeflow 1.7 Beta
  • You have more time to provide your feedback
  • You have more time to share your MLOps experience with us
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Is there any tutorial for how to upgrade Kubeflow from 1.6 to 1.7?

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Not yet, but there will be one when we make the stable release

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hi, I tested this new version on my platform. Everything works except like version 1.6, Istio problem is still there :joy:. Needs commands to fix it.

Thank you Moula! The team is working now on the upgrade path for Istio. How did you find the deployment experience of 1.7 Beta?

Hi Andreea, The deployment works well except istio which always looks for the loadbalancer ip but never finds it :joy:

Hi @Moula,

That looks like whatever is providing your load balancers in k8s might be malfunctioning. I see you’re using microk8s, can you check kubectl get pods -A and look at the metallb pods? I have a feeling something is wrong there.

Did you deploy this in the past day or two? microk8s historically pulled metallb images from dockerhub, but metallb’s dockerhub has been shut down just this week (see this for some context if interested). If your metallb pods are having image pull problems and their images are pointing to dockerhub, I think this is your problem. To work around this, microk8s 1.24/edge points to the up to date metallb repo, and that’ll hit other microk8s risks soon. Or, if you want to recover your current deployment, you should also be able to edit the metallb deployments and update the images like here

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Hi @ca-scribner I’m not the only one having this problem. See: The problem comes from the image of Metallb as you say.

I did the same deployment of my microk8s-ha cluster as with kubeflow 1.6 which worked after a few modifications. The deployment I redid it twice today and there is always the same problem.

Hey @Moula,

Yeah I too was frustrated with this yesterday :slight_smile: I feel your pain.

microk8s 1.24/edge works for me. Does that help? Manually changing those metallb images should also get it working, I just haven’t done that yet myself to solve things

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@ca-scribner Thank you very much. I will try with cluster microk8s 1.24/edge this evening .

welcome! Sorry for the frustration. Let us know how it goes

By the time you try it, things might have moved through the release ci too. atm I see

snap info microk8s
  1.24/stable:           v1.24.10        2023-02-02 (4561) 224MB classic
  1.24/candidate:        v1.24.10        2023-01-27 (4561) 224MB classic
  1.24/beta:             v1.24.10        2023-01-27 (4561) 224MB classic
  1.24/edge:             v1.24.11        2023-03-16 (4891) 225MB classic

where that v1.24.11 (rev 4891) works for me. Check that out before you install in case it has promoted through to the others already

@ca-scribner There is a new problem with knative-eventing

Hi @Moula,

From the messages in the status of the units, I think you need to juju trust these charms - that should get things going. Did you deploy this from one of the premade bundles, or did you add these in separately? If a premade bundle, please let me know which one as we might have missed adding trust somewhere in our bundles.

@ca-scribner I just redid the deployment by bundle. The problem is still there. We must add trust to the charm :

Thanks @moula, just so I don’t get it wrong can you tell me which bundle you’re using? Is the command juju deploy kubeflow --channel 1.7/beta?

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@ca-scribner juju deploy kubeflow --channel 1.7/beta --trust

Hi @Moula , thanks for reporting this. You can resolve this issue by running juju trust knative-eventing --scope=cluster, and the same for knative-serving. We have merged the fix for that already, you should not run into this issue in latest kubeflow (1.7/beta revision 333). Please let us know if you find any other issue.

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Just confirmed that latest (revision 333) deploys all components: juju deploy kubeflow --channel 1.7/beta --trust

Hi @dnplas just an another error message with : tensorboard-controller Thank’s.