Here’s a first pass at what a ‘bi-weekly dev summary’ would look like. Feedback appreciated.
Ops (the operator framework itself)
- A first pass at API documentation is up on RTD. The domain is not final, in that it might change in the next month or so if the paperwork goes through, and redirecting isn’t a feature rtd supports so share accordingly. It’s also very much a straight dump of the generated docs, with nothing to give it too much structure, so it’s not a very good first impression yet.
- Lots of work to support the above effort, around adding docstrings (and type hints) to our public classes and methods.
- Support for Juju 2.8’s “dispatch” mechanism landed. We hope to use this feature to greatly simplify operating on, or with, charms in a number of ways.
- Units can now set their workload version via Unit.set_workload_version. This maps to application-version-set, which got its name before ‘application’ was part of the juju lexicon. We hope the mapped name makes it less confusing to our users than the alternative.
- work still progressing on the initial project setup and scaffolding. Lots of discussion on PR#1, hopefully landing soon!
Chatting with …
In these two weeks since the Roadmap sprint we’ve been talking with as many people as we could schedule: if you’re working on a charm, and haven’t heard from us, please reach out! The discussions have been very useful for us (and reportedly also for the people we were meeting with), and are already helping us prioritise work. So far, we’ve met with (and have recurring bi-weekly meetings scheduled with)
- Tom Haddon @mthaddon
- the OSM team @dominik.f, @davigar15
- Narinder Gupta @narindergupta
- Stuart Bishop @stub
- Adnan Karim @karimsye
- Liam Young
- Camille Rodriguez @camille.rodriguez1
- Mark Maglana @mmaglana
- and Vladimir Grevtsev @vlgrevtsev
We are soon also meeting with
- Jay Kuri @jk0ne
- Michał Ajduk
- Paul Collins @pjdc (as interpreted by Tom Haddon),
- and possibly Barry Price @barryprice
if we’ve missed a person (or a team!), please, again, let us know.