I’m currently writing a charm for our PowerFlex storage systems, the code looks fine and the application and integration with cinder works as expected.
However, after the application got deployed the status get stuck in waiting with a “Charm configuration in progress” although the configuration is complete.
[quote=“ppasotti, post:4, topic:15984”]
[/quote]Hello, not really sure to understand the output:
ubuntu@juju:~$ jhack eval cinder-dell-powerflex/0 --charm-name CinderPowerflexCharm self._stored._is_started
WARNING:jhack./snap/jhack/411/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jhack/conf/conf.py:failed to create default user config in /home/ubuntu/.config/jhack/config.toml. You'll have to do that manually.
** Jhack is now 'safe'! **
All dangerous commands require manual confirmation.
If you know better, you can run:
> `jhack conf [default | destructive | yolo] > ~/.config/jhack/config.toml`
and edit the config to match your needs.
See https://github.com/canonical/jhack?tab=readme-ov-file#enabling-devmode for more.
Proceed with this potentially world-ending command [y/N]: y
Connection to closed.
But never got the prompt back
The other command fails with a permission denied error:
ubuntu@juju:~$ jhack show-stored cinder-dell-powerflex/0
WARNING:jhack./snap/jhack/411/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jhack/conf/conf.py:failed to create default user config in /home/ubuntu/.config/jhack/config.toml. You'll have to do that manually.
ERROR:jhack:failed to fetch db; command ['juju', 'scp', 'cinder-dell-powerflex/0:/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-cinder-dell-powerflex-0/charm/.unit-state.db', '/home/ubuntu/snap/jhack/411/unit-state-dxv2sb74.db'] exited with 1
failed to fetch db; aborting. b'ERROR exit status 1 (scp: /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-cinder-dell-powerflex-0/charm/.unit-state.db: Permission denied)\n'
oh wait, is it a reactive or otherwise non-ops charm?
if so your only bet is figuring out how to use juju exec to grab the stored state via, presumably, the state-get hook tool?
I finally succeed to use jhack show-stored by changing permissions on /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-cinder-dell-powerflex-0/charm/.unit-state.db and here’s what I got: