How long are old revisions of charms kept in the store? For example, if I’m using cs:graylog-32 right now, can I expect that it will be around forever, or will it go away at some point in the future?
I’d currently be wary as we’re looking to migrate to the snap store in the future.That transition is expected to force folks to submit charms to the new store and so anything left behind will eventually be sunset with the old charmstore service.
Currently I believe the store goes back nearly as far as possible. We don’t currently have a commitment for how long access to the old content will be. I’m sure it’ll be a topic in the upcoming sprint discussions.
On a somewhat related note, what is the timeline of this migration to the snap store?
I am very much looking forward to finally getting a decent CI/build story and closing these issues:
Current plans are to introduce the snap store as the backend serving the same APIs in the next few months. And then switching consuming sides to be delivered using that tooling, and then change the publisher side. I believe the goal is to have switched over the infrastructure over the next 6 months.