Charm metabolism (inputs and outputs): deconstructing the alertmanager charmed operator

This exercise serves two purposes:

  • Documentation of the current charm behavior.
  • A reference point for future discussions about dependencies, code ordering and charming patterns.


Charm code gets its inputs from metadata.yaml (oci images, storages, relation data), config.yaml, actions.yaml, files read from charm container.

Input Responsible ingestor Side effects / deps / stakeholders
Action: show-config Dedicated handler
Action: check-config Dedicated handler Relies on amtool and amtool config file in workload container
Config: config_file Common exit hook Overwrite main config file (taking templates_file into account) - mutually exclusive with remote-configuration, reload config via POST
Config: templates_file Common exit hook Overwrite main config file, reload config via POST
Config: cpu Resource limits charm lib Update statefulset, cycle pod; k8s may fail to schedule pod if out of resources.
Config: memory Resource limits charm lib Update statefulset, cycle pod; k8s may fail to schedule pod if out of resources.
Resource: oci-image Hardcoded paths in charm code (pebble command, etc.) may change across an upgrade.
Baked-in alert rules and dashboards Prometheus, loki and grafana charm libs Alert rules and dashboards are manipulated and pushed to relation data; should be updated across an upgrade.
Requires: ingress Ingress charm lib Update all clients with a new url (karma, …)
Requires: remote-configuration Common exit hook Overwrite main config file (taking templates_file into account) - mutually exclusive with config_file
Requires: certificates Common exit hook Update web config file, write certs to workload container, update service command, write ca cert to charm container
Peer relation: replicas Common exit hook Restart service


Charm code produces the following outputs: relation data, requests sent to workload HTTP API, files written to workload and/or charm container, pebble layer.

Output Content Related inputs
Reload config via POST Config: config_file
Main config file in workload container YAML :slight_smile: Config: config_file, Requires: remote-configuration
Templates config file Alert templates Config: templates_file
Web config file in workload container Cert paths Requires: certificates
Amtool config file in workload container YAML :slight_smile:
Server cert (workload container) Requires: certificates
Private key file (workload container) Requires: certificates
CA cert (workload container) Requires: certificates
CA cert (charm container) Requires: certificates
Statefulset spec Cpu, memory requests and limits Config: cpu, config: memory
Provides: alerting Alertmanager server URL Requires: certificates (TLS on/off impacts advertised scheme)
Provides: karma-dashboard Alertmanager server URL Requires: certificates (TLS on/off impacts advertised scheme),

Requires: ingress (impacts advertised url).
Provides: self-metrics-endpoint Alertmanager server URL as part of a scrape job spec Requires: certificates (TLS on/off impacts advertised scheme)
Provides: grafana-dashboard Manipulated json files taken from charm container Baked in dashboards (charm container)
Provides: grafana-source Alertmanager server URL Requires: certificates (TLS on/off impacts advertised scheme)
Requires: ingress Alertmanager server URL Requires: certificates (TLS on/off impacts advertised scheme)
Requires: catalogue Alertmanager server URL Requires: certificates (TLS on/off impacts advertised scheme)
Requires: certificates CSR with Alertmanager server URL (fqdn)
Peer relation: replicas Alertmanager server URL
Pebble service Envvars, command Requires: certificates, Requires: ingress, Peer relation: replicas, JUJU_CHARM_*_PROXY envvars

Dependency graph

The above can be summarized in a dependency graph: