I have a multi-node cluster that was setup using kubeadm and host-path storage class. I added an NFS storage class because I want to have all my data in one place and not lose data when a node is down. I made the NFS storage class the default but I haven’t deleted the host-path storage class yet. I already deployed applications and they are using volumes provisioned by the host-path storage class.
Is it possible to have all charms switch to volumes provisioned by the new storage class?
I tried removing and deploying an application, but it still used the host-path storage class.
I tried
$ juju config -m kubeflow workload-storage=nfs-client
ERROR no application name specified
$ juju config -m kubeflow minio workload-storage=nfs-client
ERROR parsing settings for application: unknown option "workload-storage"
as mentioned here.
I also tried juju update-storage-pool kubernetes storage-class=nfs-client
based on this doc but I get the following error:
$ juju storage-pools
Name Provider Attributes
kubernetes kubernetes
$ juju update-storage-pool kubernetes storage-class=nfs-client
ERROR pool "kubernetes" not found
Any input is appreciated. Thank you.